Chapter Seven

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One Direction's POV

"MORNING ZAYN!" Liam and Louis shouted. For some reason, Zayn is always the last one out of bed.

"Shut up! For crimeney! I'm trying to sleep." Zayn whined.

"Well too bad. We have to wake up the love birds, then start packing." Liam scolded.

"Aah! I don't wanna!"

"Sorry mate. We have to go to Toronto. The girls have to get ready to go to Greece, too." Louis said.

"Fine!" Zayn got up and got ready in the bathroom. After 10 minutes, Liam walked into the bathroom and ripped him away from the mirror.

"Hey! I'm not ready yet."

"Too bad. You should've gotten up earlier. You're hair is fine anyways." Liam told him.


"Yes. Now let's go."


The boys walked to the elevator and pushed the button to go to floor 5. "I don't see why I had to come and wake them up." pouted Zayn.

"Because you have to." Louis said.

"Grr." The boys got off the elevator and walked to the girls' suite. Liam pulled out the key that he didn't give back and opened the door. They walked into Codi's room first and saw Niall and Di holding hands and sleeping on the bed. They were shocked until they saw all the pillows separating them from each other.

"Aww! They look so cute together." Louis stated.

"Yea. They do. Who knew our little Nialler would grow up so fast." Liam said.

"I know. It was just yesterday when Niall was sitting on the bed while we all called our girls. Oh wait! That WAS yesterday." Zayn added.

"Yea. Haha." Louis laughed.

"Oh well. They have to get up anyways!" Liam said as he jumped on the bed. "Wake up! Good morning sleepy heads! We have to wake up!"

"It's time to get up!" Zayn and Louis sang. "It's time to get up!"

"It's time to get up!" Niall hollered pretending to be Harry.

Di groaned because she had to wake up. "Leave me alone. That was the best sleep I've had in ages. I don't wanna get up OR leave." She pushed her head back in the bed.

"Wake up love. I'll spend every spare minute I have AND I'll get you breakfast!" Niall told her.

"I'm up!" Di yelled once she heard about food. "What are we eating?" she asked.

"Well, we still have breakfast in our suite from yesterday morning. Don't we?" Niall asked the boys for confirmation.

"I don't know. I think you two demolished it all." Liam pursed his lips.

"GRR!" Di growled. "Oh well. I have to start packing. My clothes are everywhere! Oh no! You four GET OUT!" She screamed in realization.

The boys realized what was happening, too so they ran out of the room across to the other side to wake up Harry and CT. Di followed close behind them.

Louis and Liam climbed up on the bed and started jumping. Di started singing.

"Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking"

The boys stared singing with her.

"You only want me cause I'm Naked
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm Naked"

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