Chapter Fifteen

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One Direction's POV

"I'm bored!" Lou whined.

"Me too..." Zayn agreed. "...WE SHOULD ALL GO SHOPPING!"

"I wouldn't mind that." Harry nodded in agreement with Zayn. Carter thought about it and agreed.

"Yes!" Zayn was happy with their answers. " about you?"

"Hmm...I guess." Louis sighed.


"Yea sure! I need some shampoo and conditioner." Codi said happily.

"Yea!" Niall added after her. "We could use some more cookies." Everyone looked at Niall and Di.

"What? We eat at least a dozen of them a night." Di admitted sheepishly. Everyone groaned while Niall and Di look at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Okay! When should we go?" Harry asked getting up from the couch.

"Shouldn't we ask Liam and Dani if they want to come?" Di suggested.

"Yea! I'll go ask them." Louis got up from his seat...with a little trouble...and walked to where ever Liam and Dani were.

*Where Louis went to see Liam and Dani*

"Do you want to come with us to the mall?" Lou asked curiously.

"Well...I don't know? Dani, do you want to go?" Liam asked gesturing to Dani.

"Nah...I don't need to get anything. You?"

"No." Liam shaking his head.

"Well I guess that settles it!" Louis said a little sadly. He wanted the whole gang to go. He walked back to the apartment and told the crew the news. They were a little bummed but went to the mall anyways.

Zayn's POV

*At the mall*

"Yea...sure." Lou didn't seem very happy to be here. Wonder what's wrong?

We walked in to the music store and Louis directly went to the kind of music he liked while I decided to listen to some random music beside me. I liked it! I think it was called...OH MY GOSH! It was 'Let Me Love You' by Ne-yo! I love his music. I started jamming out when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly took the headphones off and turned around. It was a boy about my age with a little girl in a wheelchair. "Hey. My little sister was wondering if she can get a autograph?" The boy asked kindly.

"Yea!" She handed me a paper and a pen. "What's your name beautiful?"

"Ella." She replied shyly.

"I love your name. Its beautiful like you!" I smiled at her as I wrote her a little note on the paper followed by my name. The note said, 'Stay beautiful! xx Love always, Zayn Malik'.

I handed her the note and gave a hug with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey thanks man! She's a big fan." The boy smiled at me.

"No problem. We love are fans! So what are you two doing for the rest of the day?"

"Nothing really. Just going back to our hotel. Why?" The boy asked.

"You can hang with me and the rest of the guys!" Only if you want."

"YES!" Ella rapidly shook her head.

"Haha! I guess that's a yes." The boy...who's name I still didn't know...smiled.

"Yea! Dude, what's your name again?" I asked hoping not to sound rude.

"Luke." He smiled again.

Living with One Direction <3 *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now