Chapter 20... THE WEDDINGS!

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1 year, 6 months, and 3 days since the end of Chapter 19. 3 days later, Niall and Codi got out of the hospital and Chapter 19 Part Two commenced. They all decided it would mean a lot to get married on the same day, so here we are in DISNEY WORLD watching 4 couples tie the knot together as family. All the families are here, each bride and groom has their own wedding party... THAT'S A LOT OF PEOPLE!!! The attachments to the side are everything with the wedding. The wedding color is just a rainbow and everything is a well thought out, NON-clashing hodgepodge.

Enjoy! :)

The Girls' POV

"I'm so nervous!" Dani proclaimed.

"You're nervous? Oh my gosh, I'm practically hyperventilating." CT panted. She had just gotten her gown over her head and the room was packed and hot.

"Am I the only one who isn't nervous?" Di asked. The other bride-to-be's looked at her like she was insane. They exchanged glances and answered together.


"Don't be nervous, guys. We love these boys. They are our worlds and we are theirs. They love us for us and.. I hate you all! Now I'm nervous!" Di sat on the couch and everyone laughed at her. The girls were helping each other get ready along with a make-up and hair specialist.

"Come on, Di. It's the happiest day of our lives. We can do this!" El shouted happily. All the girls cheered and one of the attendants popped their head in to say it was time.

The Boys' POV

"Lads, I'm the happiest man in the world right now. I'll be even happier when El says, 'I Do.'" Louis said excitedly sitting in front of the mirror with Lou Teasdale working on his hair in her bridesmaid's dress. Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Liam were all playing with Baby Lux on the floor.

"I think we could equally be the happiest men in the world, BooBear." Harry corrected happily.

"You got that right." Liam and Niall agreed.

"I can't wait for you all to meet my date after the wedding ceremony." Zayn grinned. He got over Perrie about five months after she broke his heart. They were all friends still, but there was just a pinch of tension around the two. He started to date a mystery girl 7 months after Perrie and him broke up.

"We can't wait, either, Z!" Liam exclaimed. "We're happy you're finally happy."

"Thanks, Lad. I'm happy I'm happy, but also because my four best friends are about to marry the loves of their lives!" The boys exchanged thanks when a different girl of the bride-to-be's attendants popped her head in to tell them it was time.

3rd Person POV

Codi and Niall had the biggest wedding party by far. Niall had his brother Greg for a best man, the boys as groomsmen, and Codi had all her sisters and the bride-to-be's for her bridesmaids. Charlie was a Junior bridesmaid and Rose was her flower girl.

Carter had all her sisters and the bride-to-be's as her bridesmaids and Harry had Zayn and all the boys as groomsmen. Ella was the flower girl.

Danielle had her sister Sarah and the bride-to-be's as her bridesmaids and Liam had the boys as his groomsmen. Baby Lux was the flower girl.

Eleanor had Lou and the rest of the bride-to-be's as bridesmaids and Louis had the boys as groomsmen. Louis' younger sister's Pheobe and Daisy are the flower girls.

The ring bearers for the couples were the younger brothers of Codi and Carter, Kevin and Brian.

As the music came on and everyone stood, the back doors opened and the five flower girls walked in spreading four very different, but equally beautiful flowers. Following them came the wedding parties and finally, the brides all walked in together as one. From left to right, it was Codi, Carter, Eleanor, then Danielle. They held hands until they reached the front where each girl separated to go to the boy for them. The priest said the opening vows and everyone sat. The couples decided to say their own vows. The boys practiced to say their vows all together. The girls did the same. They began with their fiance's name.

Living with One Direction <3 *EDITING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora