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"i mean... im fine if you are..."

jaehyun lifted up his head to face taeyong.

"of course im fine."

he said with a pleasant smile. taeyong chuckled as he stood up.

"then, i'll move in tomorrow."

jaehyun lowered his head hiding a pair of white teeth from taeyong.


taeyong had skipped school that day to pack his things up while jaehyun still had to drag his low-energy body all the way to hell. hell as in listening to some old man talk about how chemicals react, a 50 y/o lady talk about writing and of course how her cats give her so much joy. honestly, he had to admit everything had became a hell hole after he assumed taeyong ran the fuck out of his life because he thought jaehyun was mad at him. his father had suggested him to return to his safe haven back at home but he just couldnt bare seeing the master bedroom being cut short of one person. he politely rejected his father and told him that he was fine alone. the house also became a entire shrine of junk, junk and well more junk. the various shelfs and cardboards had a thick cover of "ancient" dust. the spilled coffee from the many times jaehyun was too fed up with life that he threw anything on his hands, stained the floor. the only place still in order was taeyongs room. he made sure that he only stepped in to dust the place.


right when the clock hit 8 at night, taeyong pulled and tugged the cardboard boxes through the small and slim door.

"o my-"

taeyongs jaw fell to the ground as his eyes widened without stopping. he scanned his eyes
around the room just to come face to face of a , "what is this? some beavers den?". he took of his shoes in annoyance trying to avoid the mess that was bugging him. he shut his eyes and squirmed his way into the kitchen, feeling against the walls for guidance. he finally lifted his eyelids to open up the fridge. but he mentally stopped himself and brought attention to a note on the fridge.

hey new roomie,, or old...
um im out for some deliveries but i'll be back soon to grab my things for night classes.

-other roomie :)

taeyong didnt catch him self smiling and nodding at the note. he went on to open the fridge to see a empty shelf. the result of moving and carrying tons of boxes made taeyong mad hungry and all he had in mind was food just food. cooked or uncooked he needed something.

"jung jaehyun. so unpredictable,ugh"

he heard footsteps arriving and he shot his head back to turn to the door. jaehyun emerged from the darks of the night sky outside, sweat dripping down his face. his fringe stuck on his forehead like a layer of skin.

"oh my god ! you wont believe what happened!" he groaned making his entrance.

taeyong hummed in confusion.

"i had one delivery tonight, one! and i screwed it up! so basically, i was at this house right? minding my own business, doing the usual. i knock on the door but no ones there. i banged on the door this time and the door went flying open so i thought 'ok, i'll just leave the pizza on the table. but! once i stepped foot inside this big ass dog jumped on me! i went running out but it kept chasing me and we went in circles untill i threw the pizza in fear at the dog. than guess what? the owner comes out and calls out to the dog and im safe at last. but i lost a job and hey, you know learn from your mistakes?" jaehyun explained throwing his hands in the air.

taeyong face had quirked eyeborws and a awkward smile crawling onto his face. "ok? wow? i dont know what to say??"

jaehyun took a breathe and sighed loudly before marching into his room, leaving taeyong in a pool of questions.

hey pigs the next chapter gone be the last one so don't expect too much-

wall,, j.yongМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя