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"Do you know what you're going to do for your portfolio yet?" Soonyoung asked through a mouthful of ham and cheese sandwich.

Changkyun shook his head. "I doubt anyone knows yet. We got it yesterday."

Soonyoung scrunched his nose up in dissatisfaction, swallowing his food before looking around the canteen.

Life was bustling in the room, filled with hungry and rowdy teenagers trying to get a place to sit. Changkyun considered himself lucky he and Soonyoung managed to find somewhere to sit.

Their art teacher had asserted his status as a college teacher by setting them their first project on their first day, not that Changkyun minded.

They were required to compile a fact file on another student that wasn't already in their art class, so Changkyun had ruled out the option of Soonyoung as soon as he crossed his mind.

They had to draw the person and provide at least ten facts on them, though both Changkyun and Soonyoung found that part of the project unnecessary.

"Do you know what you're doing yet?" Changkyun asked once he felt like he'd lost Soonyoung's attention, and the redhead whipped his head back round to grin at Changkyun.

"I do now," he replied, standing up from his seat. "Wait up for me."

Changkyun watched in awe as Soonyoung strode right up to a boy who looked like he was a second year, sitting down at the table he was sitting at with a few of his friends. The hazelnut-haired boy almost choked on his sandwich as he watched Soonyoung effortlessly talk to this boy and his friends.

He had no idea how Soonyoung could be so sociable with just about anyone at the first time of even meeting them. The two spent almost all of their art lesson yesterday talking to each other, and when Changkyun got home, he nearly broke out into a cold sweat at how comfortable he was talking to Soonyoung.

He was pretty sure he'd spoken to Soonyoung more in that one hour than he had to Yungjae for the whole year.

Deciding to preoccupy himself, Changkyun looked away from Soonyoung - figuring it would look kind of creepy if one of the boys at the table caught him staring - and scanned the rest of the canteen.

Even though he pretty much hated people, Changkyun did particularly enjoy people watching. When living with Yungjae, there wasn't much to do anyway, so he'd always found people watching rather entertaining.

He spotted a girl spilling her water and a few boys throwing food at each other on the other side of the room, but when he spotted a boy with pastel pink hair, Changkyun's eyes couldn't seem to leave him.

Even though he was quite a distance away from the boy, he could make out that he was smiling. After all, it would be impossible to miss a smile as bright as that even from a mile away.

He was sitting with five other boys, and all of them looked pretty well-renowned, like they had status and influence at this college. Changkyun felt nervous just looking at them, but the boy with the pink-hair looked extremely friendly.

"What are you looking at?" Soonyoung's voice suddenly snapped Changkyun back to reality, and he looked over at the redhead a little cluelessly.

"There's a guy over there with pink hair," Changkyun answered, turning his head to look back over at the aforementioned boy. "He's really pretty."


Changkyun had actually meant to say it's really pretty. His hair. Not him.

Soonyoung followed the direction of which Changkyun was looking with his own eyes, locking onto the pink-haired boy pretty easily. He was the only person in the room with pink hair, after all. (Could Changkyun count Soonyoung's hair as pink? It looked more red to him than anything.)

"Wow, he is really pretty," Soonyoung agreed, and Changkyun blushed.

He hadn't meant to say that.

"Hey, where did you go off to?" Changkyun asked in hopes of changing the subject.

"To talk to that hot second-year over there," Soonyoung replied, sitting back down as he tilted his head over to the table he was just at. "His name's Jeon Wonwoo, he's a Lit. major, and he's fucking hot. He's agreed to be my subject for my portfolio."

This time, Changkyun really did choke on his sandwich, and Soonyoung had to lean over the table to slap his back a few times.

"How have you already found someone to draw?" The hazelnut-haired boy asked in shock. "Why are you so good at talking to people?"

"Changkyun, my friend," Soonyoung started, hand moving up from his back to his shoulder. "When you see something - or someone - you want, just go for it. Otherwise, it will be too late and you'll be left with nothing. Life lesson from Kwon Soonyoung."

"If that was as easy as you're making it out to be, then I would've already finished that project by now," Changkyun replied. "I can't just go up to someone and suddenly start a conversation with them. What if they laugh at me? What if they tell their friends and then they all gang up on me? What if-"

"You can never be sure that those things will happen; that's why they're called 'what-ifs'," Soonyoung interrupted, tapping his temple twice. "Why don't you ask your pink-haired guy? He looks nice enough and you seem to have the hots for him."

"That's not-" Changkyun began to interject, but was cut off a second time - this time by the bell signalling lunch was over.

"And, that's my cue to go! You coming?" The redhead asked, standing up and grabbing his bag from next to him.

"I'm going to go to the library for a bit. I'm getting a lift home anyway," Changkyun replied, following Soonyoung's suit.

"You don't live on campus?" A raised eyebrow from Soonyoung.

Changkyun shook his head. "I live like a half-an-hour walk from here. Figured it would be cheaper."

Soonyoung shrugged. "Sounds fair. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, good friend o' mine!"

"See you tomorrow," Changkyun laughed as he watched Soonyoung march away, his head of red hair still noticeable even from the other side of the canteen.


The library wasn't too busy at this time of day. Well, the college did have around five different libraries anyway, but Changkyun preferred this one. It was bigger and nobody ever sat next to him, which he was immensely grateful for.

Changkyun sat near a table that was facing the entrance to the library. Yungjae wouldn't be finishing work for another two hours, and Changkyun figured that if he would be here for that long then he may as well people watch for a bit.

He had his sketch book out on the table in front of him so he wouldn't get scolded by the librarian for not doing any work.

Around an hour passed until Changkyun considered leaving and braving that half-an-hour walk by himself, when the door to the library opened, and Changkyun could practically hear the angels singing.

Standing there was the same pink-haired boy from before, and Changkyun started to take back not meaning to call him pretty.

He was gorgeous.

Now that he was closer to him, Changkyun could make out even the faintest of details as the boy walked up to the front desk. The fullness of his cheeks, the colour of his eyes, even the little creases on the sides of his mouth as he smiled.

Changkyun's hand immediately found its way into his pencil case, reaching for a pencil before bringing itself back to the empty page at hand.

Instinctively, Changkyun began to draw. He knew the sketch would never live up to the real thing, but he just couldn't help himself. Something inside of him wanted to preserve the memory of this ethereal being as long as he lived, and he got an uneasy feeling in his stomach because of it.


soonyoung is already my favourite character in this fic and we're only on the second chapter.

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