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The corridors (surprisingly) were the quietest places to go during class hours.

Sure, the libraries were pretty quiet too, but they didn't have the right atmosphere for Kihyun. Maybe he was just strange, but nobody was ever really in any of the corridors during lesson time, whereas there were always loads of people in the libraries.

Now, Kihyun didn't have anything against people. He loved meeting new people and helping out others, but sometimes he just needed some time to himself, like any other person does. And the corridors were about as alone as one person could get at this college.

Kihyun also loved reading - more than anything. And the librarians everywhere seemed to love the fact that he would check out almost everyday with a new pile of books in his hands. He could find just about any book and finish it the next day, which he took immense pride in.

Despite being fully immersed in the book he was reading, Kihyun could still hear the light sound of footsteps approaching, and pausing soon after. He looked up from his book to see what he thought was a first-year, honestly looking like he was about to cry.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly, smiling when the small boy looked over at him.

"I, um-" The boy started, cutting himself off when his voice cracked.

"Hey, it's alright," Kihyun stood up, pushing his bookmark between the two pages and placing the book next to his bag. "You're a first-year, I'm guessing?"

The boy nodded.

"I'm Kihyun - I'm a second-year," he introduced with a sweet smile, holding his hand out for the boy to shake, which he did so hesitantly.

"Changkyun," he replied quietly, and Kihyun smiled.

"You look like you're about to cry, Changkyun; relax," he chuckled. "Are you lost? I get this place is huge and there are a lot of rooms. I can take you to your class if you like."

"A-Are you sure?" Changkyun squeaked. "I didn't want to take you away from your book."

Kihyun shook his head. "It wasn't that interesting anyway."


"Thanks so much," Changkyun thanked nervously, bowing down ninety degrees so Kihyun wouldn't see how much he was blushing - and also to express his gratitude for the male's kindness.

He felt his cheeks heat up even more when Kihyun ruffled his hair, the gesture making Changkyun feel like a pet. Sometimes Yungjae would make him feel like a pet, but this time it was different.

When Yungjae touched him, it was degrading. It made Changkyun feel disgusting and uncomfortable, but when Kihyun touched him, it had him feeling safe. He felt like he'd done a good thing.

"No need to thank me," he laughed, and Changkyun stood up hesitantly.

If he thought Kihyun was beautiful from afar in the canteen and just a little closer in the library, then this blew all his past sightings straight out of the water.

Up close, Changkyun could see everything.

Kihyun was taller than him, but only by a tiny amount. Still, he had to look up slightly and, with the right lighting, Kihyun would look like a literal angel. He could definitely see himself drawing Kihyun for his project.


"Hey, let me walk you home today," Soonyoung suggested once the two were out of their art class for the day.

"What?" Changkyun asked, panic taking over his whole body as he looked over at the redhead walking beside him. "Don't you live on campus?"

"Indeed," Soonyoung nodded. "But I wanna see where you live. I hope your parents like me."

"I don't- don't live with my parents," Changkyun replied, and Soonyoung hummed in response.

"You live on your own? That's scary, bro."

"I don't live on my own either. I-I live with my boyfriend."

Soonyoung gasped dramatically, and Changkyun flinched at the sudden sound.

"You have a boyfriend?" He practically yelled. "What's he like? How old is he? Is he hot? Is the sex good?"

"Wha- why does the sex even matter?" Changkyun spluttered.

"Changkyun, my boy, the sex always matters," Soonyoung replied with a wolfish grin, and Changkyun's entire face lit up red.

"I swear I'm older than you," he countered once his face had managed to return to its usual pale colour.

"Doesn't matter. I'm taller than you," Soonyoung teased. "So, will you let me walk you home?"

Changkyun couldn't really refuse. He'd already avoided answering Soonyoung's questions about Yungjae, and if he refused to let him walk him home, then Soonyoung would only get more suspicious.

"Yeah, I guess," he sighed. "But I told you it's a half-hour walk so you'd be wasting your time."

"Nonsense!" Soonyoung boomed. "My roommate is such a cold fish anyway so I won't miss him much."

Changkyun felt sweat bead at his hairline, and he gulped down the nervousness he felt when Soonyoung grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the building.

He just hoped Yungjae didn't see him.


let's just pretend for the sake of fiction that kihyun is more than 1cm taller than changkyun

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