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Changkyun could practically hear his heartbeat in his ears as he near enough stumbled over to Kihyun's lunch table.

Soonyoung had given him a short pep-talk beforehand, but that hadn't prevented him from tripping over almost every empty chair on his way there.

He could still feel Soonyoung chanting in his ear - as weird as that sounded.

"Um-" Changkyun started once he was standing awkwardly behind another guy with red hair, cutting himself off when his voice broke and everyone at the table looked up at him.

Kihyun looked up from his book and smiled at him.

"Changkyun!" He greeted, and closed the book he was reading.

"Is this the cute first-year you were telling us about?" A guy with blonde hair asked, sitting in another guy with dark brown hair's lap. "He's adorable!"

Changkyun pulled the cuffs of his sweater further down his arms, playing with them with his fingertips. He didn't realise he'd pulled it low enough to reveal the fading marks on his neck.

"He's so small," yet another guy stated, and Changkyun felt so overwhelmed under their gazes.

"Guys, stop, you're making him nervous," Kihyun scolded before turning to Changkyun and smiling at him. "What do you need, Changkyun?"

"Um, I just have a q-question for you, hyung," the hazelnut-haired boy started, throwing his bag over his shoulders in front of him so he could get his sketch book out. "You've- um, seen the sketch I did of you."

Kihyun nodded, and Changkyun could feel his whole body burning from his nerves/embarrassment.

"You've done a sketch of Kihyunie?" The blonde asked, and Changkyun nodded. "Let's see it!"

Changkyun fumbled around with his sketch book until he found the right page, opening it up and laying it out on the table for the six men to see. A chorus of 'wow's and 'awesome!'s arose from the table, and Changkyun smiled at the recognition he was getting.

"So, what about the sketch, Changkyun?" Kihyun asked once he'd finished admiring said sketch

"Oh, I was wondering if you would be my model for my real sketch," Changkyun admitted quietly. "I'm already behind most of the people in my class because I couldn't find someone to sketch and you seem nice and your hair is really pretty and-"

"Do you ramble a lot when you're nervous?" The redhead sitting next to Kihyun suddenly asked, cutting Changkyun off.

His hair was a darker shade of red than Soonyoung's, and his eyes were like those of a cat. He already scared Changkyun.

"I- I'm sorry," Changkyun mumbled, feeling himself about to cry.

"Oh, don't apologise!" The redhead laughed. "I was just asking because you really don't need to be nervous. We're not going to attack you or anything."

Changkyun - out of instinct - bowed down to the boys at the table, and the blonde cooed.

"Oh, Kihyunie, he's so cute!" He exclaimed, practically bouncing in - what Changkyun assumed to be - his boyfriend's lap.

"Shut up, Minhyuk," the redhead replied almost like it was second nature, and the blonde pouted.

"Of course I'll be your model, Changkyun," Kihyun smiled brightly at him, and Changkyun let out a breath he didn't even know he had been holding in. "I'm actually really flattered that you asked me - this sketch is amazing."

"Thank you," Changkyun smiled nervously as he collected his book from the middle of the table, stuffing it back into his bag.

"I should probably introduce you to these guys," Kihyun said, gesturing to the other men at the table. "You'll probably be seeing a lot of them."

Changkyun nodded.

"This is Jooheon," Kihyun gestured to the redhead sitting next to him, who saluted towards Changkyun. "That's Hyunwoo and that's Minhyuk sitting on his lap."

Changkyun looked over at the two and shivered. Hyunwoo looked like real man, like Yungjae but bigger, and Minhyuk was dainty, almost feminine. He could see how well they meshed together.

"And these are Hyungwon and Hoseok - still dating, just less public about it than those two," Kihyun tilted his head towards Minhyuk and Hyunwoo.

"Hey, you're just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend!" Minhyuk stuck his tongue out at Kihyun as he wrapped his arms around Hyunwoo's neck.

Changkyun really liked Minhyuk already. He reminded him of Soonyoung, in a way.

"Oh, should I give you my number? That way we can contact each other easily about your project and you won't have to see these lot so often," Kihyun asked, completely ignoring Minhyuk's previous comment.

"Yeah, sure," Changkyun replied, pulling his phone out from his back pocket and unlocking it for Kihyun to save his number into.

Once he was done, Kihyun handed Changkyun his own phone, letting Changkyun save his number as well. But while he was doing it, Kihyun couldn't help but notice the fading marks on Changkyun's neck.

He'd seen them as soon as Changkyun had come over to them, but he'd only just wondered how they'd gotten there. Something must have been around Changkyun's neck for marks like that to appear.

"Done," Changkyun stated, and Kihyun tore his eyes away from the boy's neck to take his phone back, smiling at him. "I should probably get back to my table, I left my friend with my lunch and he'll probably eat it."

The table smiled at him once more, Minhyuk even shouting 'bye, cutie!' at Changkyun as he left, his chest swelling with the pride and immense joy he felt within himself.


"Looks like you've gotten yourself an admirer," Jooheon teased, shutting the door behind him as Kihyun took off his shoes, stretching in the doorway. "Move."

Kihyun stepped to the side to let Jooheon pass before taking off his coat and hanging it up on the coat rack.

"Did you see those fading marks on his neck?" The pink-haired boy asked, completely bypassing Jooheon's comment. "They looked pretty gnarly."

Jooheon shrugged. "Probably just love bites."

Kihyun frowned at his best friend.

"Hey, he may look all small and anxious, but you never know what he might get up to behind closed doors. Just saying," the redhead shrugged again, and Kihyun gnawed on the inside of his cheek in thought.

Were they love bites?

Something within Kihyun wished they weren't.


this chapter (the actual content not this author's note) is 999 words and i'm so annoyed--

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