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Up close, Jeon Wonwoo was rather attractive.

He'd never seen him like he'd seen Kihyun - right in front of him - but now that he was sitting at his and Soonyoung's lunch table, Changkyun was kind of forced to look at him.

He could understand why Soonyoung liked him. Wonwoo was definitely attractive, but he looked way too scary for Changkyun's liking. The hazelnut-haired boy felt intimidated just looking at him.

Wonwoo looked like one of those manly jocks with raging muscles, and he could definitely see Soonyoung fawning over him at his football matches. (Changkyun wasn't even sure if Wonwoo played football, he was just going purely off of stereotypes).

Changkyun caught the second-year's eyes and Wonwoo smiled at him lightly, and Changkyun then decided that he really needed to chill out. Not everyone was out to get him.

"No smiling!" Soonyoung suddenly complained, and Wonwoo gave the redhead a side-eye before looking back over to Changkyun and rolling his eyes playfully.

Soonyoung had his red hair tied up in a makeshift ponytail despite it not being remotely long enough for that. His face was buried nose deep in his sketch book, pencils and fine-liners and watercolours and crumpled pieces of paper strewn across the table, leaving Changkyun barely any space to put his lunchbox.

The redhead looked up every so often to save a feature of Wonwoo's face to memory, wanting the second-year's side profile to be the main focus of his project, which left Changkyun and Wonwoo having rather uncomfortable staring contests more often than not.

"Is this how things will be from now on?" Changkyun asked, looking over at Soonyoung who had somehow managed to get pink paint smeared across his cheek.

"Yep," the redhead replied, popping the 'p' at the end and looking up at Changkyun to smile sadly. "Sorry, buddy. I'll let you bring your pretty pink-haired guy over here for a few months after I've finished with Wonwoo."

"I'm not an object, you know," the second-year spoke, surprisingly deep voice startling Changkyun.

He'd heard Wonwoo speak before, but he'd only said such short sentences in front of Changkyun that it wasn't hard to forget what he sounded like.

"Shut up," Soonyoung quipped. "From now until I finish this project, you are my humble test subject."

Wonwoo grunted in disatisfation and Changkyun gave the black-haired male a sad smile.

He went back to eating his sandwich and watching how Soonyoung's face occasionally scrunched up in concentration when his phone pinged from on the table.

Swallowing his mouthful, Changkyun picked his phone up and unlocked it, brow creasing slightly when he saw a text from Kihyun.

From: Bed-wetter
you look like you have places you'd rather be :))

Changkyun looked up from his phone and over to where Kihyun was sitting with the others at their usual table. He caught Kihyun's eyes immediately, and the pink-haired male nodded him over to the table.

The hazelnut-haired boy looked back over at Soonyoung and Wonwoo, and shrugged before stuffing the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and standing up from the table, grabbing his lunchbox, phone and bag.

"Where are you going?" Soonyoung whined with a pout.

"Over to Kihyun," Changkyun replied simply, tucking his chair in. "I'm sure you won't miss me much," he said with a wink.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow, friend!" The redhead exclaimed dramatically and Changkyun smiled at his friend.

"See you around, Changkyun," Wonwoo gave the hazelnut-haired boy a small smile before Changkyun left, squeezing through the crowds of rowdy boys to get to Kihyun's table.

"Changkyunnie!" Minhyuk squealed, opening his arms for Changkyun to hug him.

He was surprised to see the blonde not sitting on Hyunwoo's lap, then realised Hyunwoo wasn't there at all. Neither were Jooheon or Hyungwon.

"Where are the others?" Changkyun asked, sitting down next to Kihyun and opposite Minhyuk.

"Hyunwoo's at a job interview, Jooheon is in a Biology exam, and Hyungwon has a Maths lesson," Hoseok explained, and Changkyun nodded his understanding.

"You look so cute today, Changkyunnie!" Minhyuk exclaimed, and Changkyun felt himself blush as Minhyuk's eyes literally sparkled. "Did you curl your hair?"

"Oh, my hair's naturally curly," Changkyun answered as Minhyuk leaned over the table to feel his hair. "I normally straighten it since it only takes, like, ten minutes but my, uh- m-my boyfriend said it looked nice."

Kihyun's smile dropped slightly at the mention of Changkyun's boyfriend. He had heard plenty of times from Minhyuk that he suspected Changkyun had a boyfriend, but he told himself he would never believe it unless it came out of Changkyun's mouth himself.

"Well, he was right!" The blonde fawned over Changkyun's hair some more before Kihyun cleared his throat.

"Hey, are you free tomorrow night?" He asked, and Changkyun looked over at him expectantly.

"Define 'night'," he replied.

"From around five until nine, I guess," the pink-haired male shrugged. "Are you free?"

"Probably," Changkyun answered. "What's it for?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come round mine and Jooheon's place to get started on your real sketch," Kihyun replied. "I saw your friend over there doing his and I realised we haven't even started yours."

"Is Jooheon even ok with that?" Changkyun asked concernedly.

"He should be," came Kihyun's reply. "He likes you, anyway, so I'm sure he won't mind. And if he does mind then we can always retreat to my room."

"Yeah, that sounds cool," Changkyun nodded. "Ok. I'll just need to ask my boyfriend first, then we should be all clear."

For a split second there, Kihyun wanted to ask why he would need to ask for his boyfriend's permission to go around a friend's house. Obviously, it was something that had just slipped out last minute, and Changkyun himself didn't even seem to notice that. He wanted to ask, but of course Minhyuk would beat him to it.

"Ooh, is this like some jealousy thing?" The blonde asked, shuffling forwards in his seat and resting his elbow on the table in front of him. "Will boyfriend-nim hold Changkyun by the waist and never let him go? Tune in next week to find out!"

"Shut up, dude," Hoseok laughed, lightly shoving Minhyuk by the arm.

Even Changkyun laughed along, but Kihyun could tell that he was only laughing to avoid the fact that he'd slipped up, and didn't want to make it obvious.


poor kihyunie :(

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