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"What are you thinking about?" Jooheon asked, sitting on the one-man armchair across from the couch Kihyun was sitting on. "You look constipated."

Kihyun furrowed his brows even more, aiming his glare at the redhead.

"You remember Changkyun, right?" He asked, and Jooheon rolled his eyes.

"You're asking me like you don't talk about him whenever you're with me," he replied in a snarky tone, and Kihyun huffed. "But yes, I do remember him. Why are you asking?"

"Did you see him around today?" Kihyun asked, and Jooheon nodded. "Tell me he didn't look completely beaten up and sick. I'm actually worried about him. And he had his arm in that sling again."

Jooheon sighed, and Kihyun knew what was coming.

"Kihyun, he probably just fell over or something," the redhead began, and Kihyun sank back into the couch behind him. "I get that you all find him really small and cute and defenseless, but you're not his mother. He's eighteen, and I'm pretty sure he lives off campus. He can look after himself without you worrying about him every second of everyday."

"I get that, Jooheon, but it's not the first time he's come in looking hurt," the pink-haired male argued. "Do you remember when he came in with those marks around his neck? I don't care if Minhyuk thinks they're love bites - love bites don't come in the shape of handprints."

"Kihyun," Jooheon said, having to raise his voice slightly to get the latter's attention. "Buddy, I get that it's in your nature to worry about others, but we don't know if Changkyun is actually being hurt or not. And if we jump to those conclusions, we could get him and ourselves into a lot of trouble. It's obvious you just want to protect him- heck, even I do and I don't often feel the need to protect people. But we can't just ask him these things otherwise we'll just spook him out. Trust him for a bit, ok?"

Kihyun sighed, but nodded.


"What are you up to?" Yungjae asked as he watched Changkyun from the doorway.

The younger boy was laying on his stomach on their living room's carpeted rug, sketch book and watercolours laying beside him. He wasn't planning on actually starting with the drawing yet, as he needed to see Kihyun to be able to do that.

Regardless of how photographic his memory was, Changkyun wouldn't take a chance like that.

He just liked having them next to him, the very presence of them calming him.

"Starting my art project," he answered, looking back at Yungjae and smiling at him.

Yungjae seemed to be in a better mood today. He'd kissed Changkyun as soon as the younger male had gotten home, apologised for not being able to pick him up, and made him some tea. Changkyun should've probably suspected something in his boyfriend's actions, but he was just glad that he wasn't being pummeled to a pulp.

Yungjae moved to sit on the couch next to where Changkyun was laying, watching him faintly sketch the outlining of Kihyun and marking where he wanted to write his facts and reasons for choosing him.

"I'm proud of you, you know," the older male spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

Changkyun giggled. "Why?"

"I know college is scary, and you don't know anybody there, but you've settled in really well," Yungjae answered, and Changkyun stopped sketching to look up at his boyfriend. "It would be much better if I were there, wouldn't it?"

There it was.

Changkyun knew this was all too good to be true, and his smile faded quicker than it had come.

"Wouldn't it?" Yungjae repeated, and Changkyun nodded. "Of course it would be. I make everything better, don't I? You would be so much more comfortable at that campus if I were there, protecting you every second of the day, wouldn't you?"


Changkyun wanted to tell Yungjae that he was happy at college as he was now. With Soonyoung and Kihyun and Minhyuk. But he couldn't.

All he could do was nod dumbly at Yungjae's words, looking back down at his sketchbook.

"Good," the older male replied gruffly, standing up from the couch and looking down at Changkyun as he walked into the kitchen.

The hazelnut-haired boy bit his lip as he willed himself not to cry, focusing his effort back to his sketchbook and the written work he needed to get done.


can't be a monsta x fic without kihyun worrying about someone

also thank you for 1k+ reads!

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