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To: Soonyoung
you going to the party?

From: Soonyoung
you bet your fine ass i am

To: Soonyoung
you're going with wonwoo-hyung though, aren't you?

From: Soonyoung
yeah, sorry dude :(

To: Soonyoung
no problem! but please tell me you two are a thing now

From: Soonyoung
not quite. we do fuck on weekends though

To: Soonyoung
i didn't need to know that :'))

From: Soonyoung
yes you did, my friend. what about you and kihyun? are you two fucking yet?

To: Soonyoung
gross, and no we're not. i have to go, though. they just got back with dinner

From: Soonyoung
with your fine ass for dessert ;)

To: Soonyoung
leave me alone

Changkyun shook his head with silent laughter as he put his phone down on the bedside table beside him. Kihyun had still been insisting that Changkyun sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the couch, and the pink-haired male may think he can constantly hide the pains in his back whenever Changkyun's around, but he really can't.

"You left your art supplies on the table," Jooheon stated when Changkyun emerged from the bedroom, and the brunette's gaze immediately fell to the paint pallets and pieces of paper on the coffee table.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he apologised feebly, not able to tell whether Jooheon was upset with him or not.

"No need to apologise, I was just surprised to see them out and you not here with them," the redhead smiled, and Changkyun still had a hard time believing that was the same Jooheon as before.

Jooheon kind of had two sides to him; he was either throwing eye-smiles in every direction or sitting around with this 'resting bitch-face' that always scared the shit out of Changkyun. He didn't know whether Jooheon liked him or wanted to kill him sometimes.

"Oh, yeah, I needed to put my phone on charge," he explained. "I was literally gone for two minutes before you got back."

"Are you finishing your project now?" Kihyun asked from the kitchen.

"I just have a few finishing touches to perfect then I should be done, so yeah," Changkyun nodded with a small smile.

"Let's see it!" the pink-haired male exclaimed, rushing into the living room and sitting himself down at the table next to Changkyun's art supplies.

"It's not as good as I hoped it would be," the brunette admitted shyly, and Kihyun shrugged.

"I'm sure it's great," he reassured, and Changkyun took a seat on the floor in front of him, opening his art book and laying his work out for Kihyun to see. "Holy shit, Changkyun, this is amazing!"

"You're lying," the brunette shut him down completely. "Or at least sugar-coating it."

"I'm not, honestly! You made me look so...real!" Kihyun gushed, and Changkyun smiled shyly under the praise. "If you don't get an A+ on this, I'll personally scold your art teacher."

"Soonyoung's is so much better than mine, though," he mumbled, and Jooheon tapped him on the shoulder, causing the first-year to look up at him.

"Shut up, ok?" The redhead said bluntly. "Who cares if his is better than yours? You both drew different people and probably have different art styles. Art is subjective, isn't it?"

"Exactly," Kihyun agreed with a nod. "Although I wouldn't tell him to shut up, Jooheon - that seems a bit harsh."

Changkyun laughed, closing his art book and standing up from the floor as he began to pack away his art supplies.

"We got Chinese," Jooheon stated, now in the kitchen as Kihyun helped the younger boy pack up his supplies. "I'd hurry up before it gets cold."

Kihyun rolled his eyes playfully and Changkyun watched him, watched his natural facial expressions and how pretty his eyelashes were as they fanned out just above his cheekbones. He couldn't believe that one person was so pretty, and his mind suddenly flickered over to what Soonyoung said.

Well, not what he said because that in and of itself wasn't very pleasant, but what he meant. Changkyun was attracted to Kihyun; of course he was, the male was literally the definition of perfection and he was just so sweet and caring that whenever he babied Changkyun, he just felt safe.

But maybe it was too soon for him to be thinking about relationships, especially after the trauma Yungjae had caused within him. But whenever he thought about Kihyun, he didn't feel like it was 'too soon' or uncomfortable about anything. He trusted Kihyun, and he really really liked him.

A lot.



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