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To: Kihyun
hey, are you free right now?

From: Kihyun
i'm literally about to go into my lesson - but it's only a 45 minute one.
minhyuk + hyunwoo should be at our usual table. i'll text minhyuk now and make sure they are there. i can meet you there after my lesson if you like?

To: Kihyun
no rush :)

Changkyun was actually glad that it was Minhyuk and Hyunwoo who were supposedly at the table. He didn't have anything against the others, but Jooheon still terrified him, and he hadn't really seen Hyungwon and Hoseok enough to really be comfortable around them.

Minhyuk was just so outgoing by nature, and he always made Changkyun feel welcome.

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Changkyun stood up from his seat in the library and made his way for the canteen, immediately spotting Minhyuk and Hyunwoo even from across the canteen. And Minhyuk seemed to spot Changkyun too.

After all, the room was near enough empty save for a few people here and there.

"Changkyun!" The blonde squealed, hopping off of Hyunwoo's lap and running up to the first-year to engulf him in a bone-crushing hug.

Changkyun couldn't help but laugh at Minhyuk's enthusiasm as the blonde led him by the hand to their table. Hyunwoo smiled at him as well, and Minhyuk took a seat next to Changkyun this time as opposed to on Hyunwoo's lap.

Changkyun loved the relationship Minhyuk and Hyunwoo had. While Minhyuk was loud and extroverted, Hyunwoo was more silent and responsible. Seeing them sneak kisses in here and there and the way Hyunwoo wrapped his arms around Minhyuk's waist when he was sitting on his lap reminded the hazelnut-haired boy of when he and Yungjae were like that.

They were inseparable a few years ago, but now Changkyun would do anything to get away from him for a few hours.

"Kihyunie texted me like a few minutes ago and told me you would be coming here," Minhyuk said. "I haven't seen you in ages! How are you, cutie?"

"I'm good!" Changkyun replied as Minhyuk threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Min, be gentle with him," Hyunwoo scolded playfully, and Minhyuk stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

"How's your art project coming along?" Minhyuk suddenly asked with a gasp as if he'd just remembered Changkyun was an art student.

"That's actually why I'm here," Changkyun answered, reaching inside his bag for his sketchbook. "I needed to ask Kihyun if he'll let me put glitter on his face so I can draw that. I have a feeling he'd look nice with sparkles."

Minhyuk clasped his hands over his mouth momentarily, biting his bottom lip so he could clap excitedly.

"Changkyunnie, you are the artist of the future," he stated, and Changkyun smiled shyly. "After this project, you have to draw me. Pretty please?"

"Of course," the first-year replied, and Minhyuk hugged him again. "Can I ask the two of you a question?"

"Sure," Hyunwoo replied, and Minhyuk let go of Changkyun so he could speak.

"How long have you two been dating for?" He asked nervously, and Minhyuk tapped a finger to his chin in thought.

"Since our second year of high school, so that would be..." Minhyuk started.

"Five years," Hyunwoo finished, and Minhyuk pouted at his boyfriend.

"Wow," Changkyun breathed out.

Sure, he'd been dating Yungjae for four years, which was still a lot, but he could tell their relationship was either going to end soon, or never end and be stuck in replay for the rest of his life.

Minhyuk and Hyunwoo looked like a couple of high-schoolers - they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, and Changkyun loved seeing people so happy even if he couldn't have that himself.

"How about you, Changkyunnie?" Minhyuk asked slyly, resting his elbow on the table in front of him and pressing his palm into his chin. "We all know you have a little something going on with you. Why else would you have love bites all over your neck?"

Changkyun's breath caught in his throat at the remembrance of the time when Yungjae almost killed him by strangling him. And Minhyuk thought they were...love bites...

He couldn't help the look of disdain that washed over his face, and Hyunwoo noticed.

"I- um..." Changkyun started, trying his hardest to conjure up a believable excuse, but right now his mind was short-circuiting.

"Hey, you don't have to tell us," Hyunwoo interrupted, practically being able to taste the fear and hesitancy on Changkyun's tongue.

"What are we talking about over here?" A different voice asked, and Changkyun's head whipped around to his right so quickly he almost got whiplash.

Standing there like the angel he was was Kihyun, and Changkyun could've cried when he saw him.

"Oh, would you look at that? Looks like I have to go now, guys," Changkyun laughed nervously as he hopped off of the stool he was previously sitting on. "Thanks, guys, see you later."

The first-year grabbed onto Kihyun's hand and pulled him away from Minhyuk and Hyunwoo, and he could tell Minhyuk was pouting at his departure.


minhyuk and hyunwoo are so wholesome i want a relationship like theirs :(

incomparable » changkiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora