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"How's your project coming along now that you have your test subject?" Changkyun teased, and Soonyoung pulled his sketch book from his bag.

"Pretty fucking hot," Soonyoung answered, and Changkyun cocked his head to the side in confusion. "The test subject, I mean."

Changkyun rolled his eyes as Soonyoung opened his book to the correct page, laying it out on the table and letting Changkyun see.

He hadn't actually seen the guy Soonyoung was drawing up close yet, but from what Soonyoung had drawn of him, he was pretty good looking.

"That's really good," he commented, and Soonyoung smiled brightly, cat-like eyes squinting shut at the praise.

"Thanks!" The redhead beamed, and Changkyun felt himself smile just at the sight of Soonyoung so happy. "Have you asked your pretty pink-haired dude to be your test subject yet?"

Soonyoung wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Changkyun shook his head.

"I'd hurry up and do it before someone else does~" Soonyoung drawled, and Changkyun rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"No one's going to ask him before I do," he insisted. "He saw the rough sketch of him that I've been working on."

"You've been working on a rough sketch of this guy?" Soonyoung asked in shock, and Changkyun nodded, pulling his own sketch book from his bag and opening it up on the page that had Kihyun's face and pink hair on it.

"I thought I'd told you," Changkyun thought aloud as Soonyoung snatched the book from his hands, gawking at the drawing.

"How do you even know what he looks like up close?" The redhead shrieked, and Changkyun blushed as people from nearby tables looked at them.

"Keep your voice down, people are staring," he whispered, but it seemed to go in one ear and out of the other for Soonyoung. "I've seen him around the campus a few times, really, it's no big deal."

Changkyun leaned over the table to grab the sketchbook back from Soonyoung, but the redhead yanked it away from his grip.

"Soonyoung," he whinged, cheeks burning red as he ogled his drawing.

"Tell me you're definitely thinking of asking him to be your model," Soonyoung suddenly begged. "You can't not be when you've already fucking sketched him! This is amazing, Changkyun!"

"It's just a rough sketch," the boy mumbled, finally getting his sketchbook back.

"Call it whatever you want," the younger rolled his eyes. "But you need to ask him soon otherwise you'll seriously regret it."

"I think you seem to forget the fact that: a.) I have crippling social anxiety, and b.) I have a boyfriend who probably won't like me drawing another guy for an art project," Changkyun explained, and Soonyoung sat back in his chair smugly.

"You've literally just said it yourself," he laughed. "It's for your art project - nothing more, nothing less."

Changkyun gnawed on his bottom lip, gaze seemingly stuck on Kihyun, who was sitting at his usual lunch table.

"Fine," he sighed, looking back over at Soonyoung, who was smiling brightly. "I'll ask him. Tomorrow."


Changkyun didn't know what to expect when he got home that day.

Normally he would be able to predict what kind of mood Yungjae would be in, but recently his moods had been all over the place and he'd just been all around unpredictable.

Things really hadn't been the same between the two of them since yesterday. But Yungjae had a very strong habit of just pretending none of anything he did actually happened, and Changkyun couldn't decide if he preferred it that way or whether he wanted Yungjae to remember everything he did to him.

Did Yungjae feel any remorse for his actions at all? Did he realise what he was doing to Changkyun? Changkyun pondered over these questions everyday until they drove him mad.

"Hey," Yungjae greeted gruffly once Changkyun stepped through the door.

The hazelnut-haired boy looked up in surprise at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, not expecting him to be standing in the hallway.

"Hi," he replied feebly, toeing off his shoes and hanging his coat up on the coat rack.

"You left before I'd woken up this morning," Yungjae stated, and Changkyun nodded hesitantly. "Did you get to school alright?"

"It was a little cold," Changkyun answered truthfully. "But it was nice to get some real fresh air."

Yungjae stepped forward, menacingly, and Changkyun instinctively stepped back. He didn't look angry. In fact, Changkyun didn't know what he looked like. He couldn't tell whether Yungjae was annoyed, worried, angry, or all of the above.

But what he did know was that he couldn't step backwards anymore, his back already pressed against the front door as Yungjae approached him slowly, almost as if he was a predator creeping up on its pray.

"You scared me," the older male started, raising his hand slowly to caress the side of Changkyun's face.

Changkyun cringed on the inside, pursing his lips together as to not make any noise.

"I thought you'd left me," Yungjae continued. "I thought you'd ran away with someone else, my mind was thinking of that redhead from your art class. But you'd never do that, would you? I'm everything you'll ever need, aren't I?"

Changkyun could only nod dumbly under the - almost hypnotising - tone of his boyfriend. Yungjae had a way with words that just made Changkyun feel like he was under his control, like he was just Yungjae's puppet to mould and dictate as he wished.

Yungjae smiled, but it wasn't meaningful. It was fake.

"I knew you wouldn't," he said, the hand on the side of Changkyun's - cold - face moving up ever so slowly to Changkyun's hair, and the steady, suspicious pace of his actions made Changkyun fear for the worst.

Much to his surprise, Yungjae's hand rested on his head, not doing anything harmful. His fingers dug warmly into the hazelnut locks resting there, stroking them and feeling the hair fall through the gaps between his callous fingers.

He began petting him, and Changkyun's mind could only think of how uncomfortable, degraded he felt. But then he remembered Kihyun, and how good it felt when Kihyun petted him. It didn't feel like he was petting him, but comforting him.

"Y-Yungjae," Changkyun stuttered, lifting his head ever-so-slightly so Yungjae would get the message and stop touching him. "I have something I need to ask you."

"What is it?" Yungjae asked, retracting his hand from Changkyun's hand and folding his arms in front of him. This way Changkyun felt like he was a child getting scolded by a parent.

"Um- I really need to get started on my art project, a-and I need to choose someone from college not in my art class to sketch. I was just wondering...if you would be ok with that? I-I mean I have to do it regardless and I really don't want to fail my first project-"

"You can do it," Yungjae interrupted, and Changkyun's mouth remained open, no words being uttered, though. "I don't want you to fail either, you always do good with your schoolwork."

"Uh- thank you."


kyunnie be thinking bout kihyun ooooooo

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