questions + answers!

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we didn't get many questions this time 😅


when_shadows_fall asked: 
what do you feel whenever kihyun is around? 
oh gee, my heart beats really fast but not in a bad way and i can't help smiling whenever i see him because his face is just,,, so pretty haha...


Alav7206 asked: 
yo hamster you like changkyun fact or statement? 
uhhhh, both? it's a fact that i like changkyun but also a statement if i were to say 'i like changkyun' (which i do)


Alav7206 asked: 
honestly you can go die in a ditch i could care less. hope you go to jail 
strangely enough, i've heard that from all of changkyun's new sissy friends. doesn't scare me :)

when_shadows_fall asked: 
what do you feel whenever you hurt changkyun? 
anger. i would have to be angry to want to hurt him, then afterwards i don't really feel anything else because i'll be too drunk to remember what happened

author :D

Alav7206 asked: 
BrO i FrEaKiNg LoVe YoUr StOrIeS liEK MaN, keep up the good job. also what makes you inspired making books? p.s. what's your favourite anime?
thank you! i'll probably keep writing until i die so don't worry about that! i often become inspired my real life events that have happened to me, songs, tv/films, literally anything. being a creator means you can find inspiration from absolutely anything. and i love haikyuu!! and assassination classroom!

dolphinboy_lele asked: 
i've honestly never frickin loved an author so much your little sidenotes and stuff are entertaining and this boOK is just so good. from someone who has experienced abuse, i believe you have a good way of writing it. in many stories it may be more romanticised or the person seems to be trying to get attention through it but your way of writing is really different and conveys more emotions and thoughts towards the abuse. it's not just thrown in the story oddly. i'll be reading more books from you as soon as i can.
i really appreciate this! i'm also someone who's suffered from abuse - not physical like changkyun though - and i wanted to implement what it's really like for those who romanticise it in their stories. i really hope you're getting better though, abuse can be something really hard to recover from. talk to me anytime! ❤️

thanks for all your support throughout this book! 

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