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"Dude, I'm screwed."

Jooheon looked up from his phone and over at his pink-haired friend, seemingly unimpressed that Kihyun had distracted him.

"This better be worth it," Jooheon mumbled. "I almost beat my high score."

Kihyun rolled his eyes at Jooheon's comment. "You'll probably laugh, so this may be worth it."

"Whatever," the redhead muttered. "Why are you screwed?"

"How do I say this?" Kihyun asked, more to himself than Jooheon. "You promise you won't make fun of me?"

"Kihyun, when have I ever made fun of you?" The redhead asked, and Kihyun raised an eyebrow. "Over something serious?" He added on the end.

"Fine, fine," Kihyun sighed, running a hand down his face. "I like Changkyun - a lot."

"Why would I make fun of you for that?" Jooheon asked, and Kihyun groaned.

"That's, like, wrong," the pink-haired male said. "He's like a child!"

"Kihyun, he's eighteen," the redhead stated blankly. "And he's also a few yards away from us, so I would suggest keeping your voice down if you don't want him to hear you."

"I feel like it's wrong," Kihyun whispered. "He's so innocent and fragile and I'm also turning twenty, like, next month."

"Ki, he was dating someone four years older than him. I think you're ok," Jooheon reassured. "Hoseok's in the year above Hyungwon and you would never even think he was if you saw the two of them together. Age is just a number, and a year and two months isn't that much."

Kihyun was about to argue when the bathroom door opened and Changkyun stepped out, dressed in a light blue wool turtleneck sweater and a pair of blue jeans Minhyuk had bought for him as a little 'break-up present' as the elder had called it.

Since the other four men were coming over later to celebrate, Changkyun figured he would wear the clothes Minhyuk bought him. He had a feeling Minhyuk would appreciate that a lot.

"What are you two talking about?" He asked, cocking his head to the side in a way that made Kihyun's heart jump. "It was at a normal speaking level, then all of a sudden nothing."

"We're discussing what to get you for your birthday," Jooheon replied before Kihyun had the chance to even think of a decent lie.

"You guys don't need to get me anything for my birthday," Changkyun smiled sweetly, and Kihyun's heart wept at how adorable he looked. "Besides, my birthday isn't for another three months."

Jooheon shrugged, and Kihyun smiled nervously at Changkyun, who was giving the elder a 'confused puppy' kind of look.


"What does being single feel like?" Minhyuk asked, perched on top of Hyunwoo's lap as always.

"I don't know," Changkyun laughed. "I haven't been single for very long."

"But I bet it feels better than being with that guy, doesn't it?" Hoseok asked, and Changkyun nodded.

"Being single is great," Jooheon called out from his place on one of the couches. He was definitely drunk and a little salty that Minhyuk and Hyunwoo were so cute together. "There's no standards or pressure, you can just do what you want."

"Hey, we still do whatever we want!" Minhyuk pouted. "Your partner really shouldn't judge you or put pressure on you for anything. You're just unlucky, 'Heonny."

Jooheon held up his middle finger at Minhyuk, and Changkyun laughed.

"Changkyunnie, you look so cute!" The blonde squealed. "I knew the sweater would look great on you. And once these bums start feeding you properly, your thighs will be worldwide killers."

Minhyuk winked and Changkyun felt himself blush as he smiled.

"What's up with you two?" Kihyun asked, looking over at Hyungwon and Hoseok.

The two of them were sitting on the other end of the couch that Minhyuk and Hyunwoo were sitting on, their thighs touching and fingers intertwined.

"What are you talking about?" Hyungwon asked with a frown, and Minhyuk snickered.

"You two are so eerie. You're like the opposite of these two over here," Kihyun tilted his head towards Minhyuk and Hyunwoo. "Lighten up a little."

"I'm perfectly fine," Hoseok laughed, and Hyungwon reached up to stroke his boyfriend's hair softly.

Changkyun smiled to himself, perfectly content with just sitting there silently and listening to his friends bicker and have fun. Jooheon was snoring loudly, and Changkyun did feel a little sorry for him. Kihyun, too. Now that he himself was single he could kind of understand Jooheon's bitterness. Kihyun just seemed like he didn't care, and Changkyun didn't care much either.

He didn't need a boyfriend to keep him happy. If anything, he was happier without a boyfriend - without Yungjae. Changkyun wondered if Kihyun had ever dated someone before, felt the slight pang of jealousy in his heart as he pondered over Kihyun being happy with another person.

But looking at him now, smiling widely, dimples on full display and pink hair messy on his head, Changkyun decided he was fine with not knowing.


changkyun likes kihyun uwu

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