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"Hey, I need to ask you something," Changkyun reminded himself more than Yungjae as he slipped his t-shirt over his head again.

"What is it?" Yungjae asked, rolling over onto his side to face Changkyun.

His hair was tousled as a result of Changkyun pulling it so viciously, but Yungjae never seemed to care. If anything, he was the one who had encouraged Changkyun to pull his hair.

"My friend asked if I could go to their place tomorrow night - the one I'm drawing for my project," he began. "I'm still really behind on the work and I haven't had much time in college to start my drawing."

Yungjae let out a long sigh, and Changkyun could tell he'd ruined his - previously - good mood.

"You know I don't like you asking for things like that," the older male replied. "How do I know you won't sneak off somewhere else?"

"D-Do you trust me?" Changkyun asked nervously, wringing his fingers in front of him. "Because I trust you, and you said you wanted me to do well on this project. You can't go back on your words."

"Babe, I know I said I want you to do well on this project, and I do," Yungjae sighed. "But do you have to go around his house? Is that redhead from your class going to be there? He seems to like you a lot."

Changkyun looked down at his feet, gnawing on his bottom lip as Yungjae's tone of voice went from reprimanding to spiteful. Yungjae really didn't like Soonyoung, Changkyun could tell, but he honestly didn't care at that moment.

"Please..." He begged, looking up at Yungjae feebly, and the two maintained a very tense staring contest for a few - very long - seconds.

"Just go," the older male spat, turning his back to Changkyun. "I don't care."

He knew he really shouldn't have, but Changkyun couldn't help the feeling of happiness that spread throughout his body like fire. Fire because he knew it was dangerous to feel so happy, but it happened so quickly.

It was almost worrying.


When Changkyun awoke the next morning, he was a little surprised but also not surprised to see Yungjae wasn't sleeping next to him.

He knew his boyfriend had work that day, but normally he would be sitting at the end of the bed and waiting for Changkyun to wake up. But he wasn't, and Changkyun figured he would be walking to college that day.

Once he'd stepped out of the shower, the bruises and love bites littering Changkyun's arms had become much more visible, and he sighed to himself knowing he would have to wear another long-sleeved jumper.

The (possible) fracture in his arm had pretty much healed by now. The bruise was beginning to fade and Changkyun couldn't really feel much pain in it anymore, so he forewent the makeshift sling for today.

It had been a while since Changkyun had actually walked to college.

Yungjae had been in such a good and generous mood these past few days that all Changkyun saw for days were lifts here and there. He didn't mind walking to college, though. He'd always loved fresh air more than the A/C at Yungjae's house.

Walking also gave him much more time to think. Recently, Changkyun couldn't seem to get a moment to himself in between art classes with Soonyoung and drawing with Kihyun. Minhyuk had also seemed to find Changkyun in literally every corridor he was in every single day.

Changkyun loved having friends, and he figured he shouldn't really complain. Yungjae had always told him that complaining would make people annoyed with him, so he just kept himself to himself.

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