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Welcome to another one of my stories! As a lot of you know, I suffer from chronic pain so updates may be slow depending on how severe my pain becomes.

Yes, this is another BxB werewolf story. It's a sister story to In Sickness and Health. But this one will be a little different than what you're used to. And no, you do not need to have read In Sickness and Health to read this story.

First, I must warn you: In the second chapter, there will be RAPE.

In further chapters ahead, there will be abuse and sex. This is a MATURE story. If you cannot handle that, either don't continue or proceed with caution.

I will tell you that it will not be like that the entire time so don't think this story will be hell.

Please enjoy!

I was nine when I was taken away from my mother. Thirteen when I was raped the first time. When I failed to get pregnant, I was raped again. And again. And again. I was almost used to it. Sometimes it was The Takers, other times it was another were that was injected with aphrodisiacs. It hurt. A lot. But I had no idea what was in store for me.

Growing up inside The Place, us werewolves born in captivity had no idea what the outside world was like unless we were told by older weres, but barely anyone made it to 25 in here.

The Takers like fresh, young weres.

The cages we lives in were like, I was told, jail cells, but worse. We lived amongst out own urine and feces. Our  mothers taught us at a young age to urinate and deficate in one spot so not to spread it around and to eat in the corner farthest away from it.

But we only had nine years with our mothers, then we were ripped away. Males and females who could get pregnant on one side, males and females who could produce sperm on the other side of the building, only to be met to breed.

Some weres met their mates when the we were forced to breed and the despair of being away from their mate ending up killing them.

I knew The Takers were getting tired of me. I hadn't been able to reproduce no matter how many times I was raped. And it terrified me.

Barren wolves were either exposed of or experimented on to the Taker's pleasure.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts. There's two people walking down the hallway. Their scents make my heart race.

The Takers.

Pass me, pass me...

No such luck. Figures.


The cage is opened. The two men grab me, their leather gloves warm against my bare arms. I keep my mouth shut. The Takers' grips on my arms are bruising as they guide me along the hallway of other weres. Half of them are shifted into their wolf forms, while the rest of them are in human forms.

They lead me into a white room; I was told it looks like a doctor's room with equipments and the odd looking bed.

"You're almost to maturity, right?"

I nod, which makes the man that was talking to me smile.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen," I say softly.

"Speak up," he demands in a low voice.

I clear my throat. "Sixteen."

"Good boy." He pats my head. "A little young but oh well. Strip."

I do as I'm told, eyeing the whips off to the corner which have been used on me before. My scars itch along my back but I ignore them and hand The Takers' my clothes. "Lay on your stomach on that bed and we'll strap you in."

Goosebumps cover my naked body when they strap my limbs down. The restraints hurt but I know not to struggle.

I hear the sound of metal scraping in metal.

"This may hurt a bit."

There's a sharp pain that stabs my back and I scream.

I didn't get to pick who I  was raped by first.

I know it's morbid but please hang on. Next chapter does have rape in it.


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