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My screaming for Ridge wakes Tony up, who vomits and cries when he sees me. 

Anton roughly jerks out of me and a disgusting mixture of blood, semen, and feces flows down my legs to pool at my feet. Anton lets go of me and I collapse against the stool, legs trembling violently beneath me and I know I can't stand up by myself. 

My whole body is in agony and a horrible ache pinches deeply in my hips and my ass. Anton gives my ass one last slap before he starts heading back up the stairs. I can't stop crying. My lungs heave for a break and I'm sobbing hysterically. It burns - everything hurts so much and I just want Ridge. I hear someone screaming - "RIDGE! RIDGE PLEASE HELP ME! HELP!" - my ears ring and my throat burns from the yelling - I'm spitting out vomit - can't get enough air into my lungs - 

A shout snaps me back to reality. 


I look over, still leaning heavily against the table, to see Tony's eyes widen. The sound of water trickling on the floor makes my blood run cold. 

"H-Halcyon," he whispers, "I'm really sorry but... my water just broke." 

I don't know what to do. I'm frozen and stuck on this damn table. I try to talk but my voice is raw from screaming. Tony suddenly shrieks and I can fucking see his stomach ripple with contractions. 

"What's all this noise?!" 



Tony wails, arms still bent awkwardly behind him, his legs spread wide in front of him. "Oh God, oh God, Stephan! STEPHAN! Please, please, I need him-" Tony breaks off in a hysterical sob, body shaking so bad his teeth chatter. 

Anton stomps down the stairs, yelling, then freezes when he sees Tony going into labor. 

"Shit!" He curses, then runs back upstairs. The pain between my legs is almost as bad as my back. I try to move but any movement causes agony to spread across my back, shoulders, and ass. My back feels funny and I think it's broken from the beatings. 

Tony wails, and Anton runs back down the stairs. "Here we go!" Someone cheers behind him. Another man follows close behind him, just as muscular as Anton. 

"Shut up Phil!" Anton hissed, then points at me when I cry out from trying to stand. "Shut him up, will ya?" Phil smirks. 


Phil disappears from my view and Anton starts unhooking Tony's cuffs. 

I scream when something is shoved violently inside my ass. My muscles tear further, blood flowing down my legs. Phil chuckles behind me before flipping a switch and the thing inside my ass starts vibrating. I don't, "Pl-please stop! H-hurts so much! Please, please, p-please!" 

Tony is screaming beside me when another unwanted orgasm shakes me. It's so sensitive, it hurts. It hurts so bad! I squirm, my body hurts so much - I cum again, wailing.

A slam echoes throughout the house and everyone stills. Tony wails again when yet another contraption rolls through him. "Go see what that was!" Anton orders, and Phil takes off, leaving the vibrator inside me. 

My vision blurs, my breathing labored. With every breath, pain flourishes everywhere. 

Screams echo in the basement. Gunshots fire upstairs. 


Stephan's voice. My heart races but more of my blood is splattering onto the floor. 

Tony cries out for his mate, back arching against another contraption. Anton looks like he's going to either faint or kill one of us. The vibrator whirs inside me and I scream for Ridge as I cum painfully again. 



"Tony, baby, I'm coming!" 

"Hold on!" 

Footsteps race down the stairs but I can't even lift my head anymore. Ridge, Ridge, help me. I don't know if I'm actually saying anything as black crowds my vision. The smell of mate makes me wail. 

More gunshots echo and suddenly I'm looking into those beautiful eyes of Ridge's. My mate roars in a mixture of fury and agony that shakes the whole house. "I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU FUCKERS-"

Someone comes around the corner but Ridge moves so fast I don't know if its Anton or Phil. There's a sickening crack as Ridge gets ahold of my assailant, snapping his spine. Flesh rips as Ridge screams in fury, taking his anger out on the poor man's body. Entrails spill from Phil's body as Ridge rips him into pieces, his dying screams echoing off the basement walls. 

I need him. He's finally here. It's so overwhelming-

I cry so hard I dry heave but there's no food in my stomach so nothing comes up. Tony's cries echo beside me but I hear Stephan soothing his mate. 

Ridge's eyes have shifted, blood and guts staining his hands, mouth, and chest. Fury is rolling off him in waves so strong I tremble as he goes behind me.

I react instinctively. 

"Puh-please no more, pl-please, please," I whimper. Ridge places a steady hand on my hips and gently grabs the vibrator still whirring inside me. He goes to pull it out and the slight pressure makes my overly sensitive body cum again. I vomit up bile and acid and black out. 

It's only a few seconds. The vibrator is out. Blood, piss, shit, vomit, and semen fills the air. Ridge yanks the chains and cuffs off me so easily it's like he's ripping paper. He's so angry, he's shaking. The dead body of Phil lays beside table in shreds, lifeless eyes staring into nothing with blood pooling out of his broken jaws.

As careful as he can, Ridge slides my broken body into his strong arms. I cry as pain makes me shiver. Slowly, he sits on the ground,  breathing me in, ignoring the blood soaking his jeans. The pain is intense, but I can feel him.

I can't stop crying in relief. "Ridge, Ridge, Ridge," I whine, "I love you, I love you, I love you." 

"I love you," he whispers, pulling off his jacket to drape it around my naked body. "I've got you, you're safe now." Lips brush the skin above my eyebrow, smearing blood on me, and I shiver.

We both flinch as Tony wails. I can hear Stephan encouraging him. "You're doing so good sweetheart, keep going beau." 

"I-I can't!" 

"Yes, you can. I'm right here with you. I'm not going anywhere beau."

I whimper softly, feeling drained and in so much pain. My eyes roll uselessly in my skull. "Hurts. Hurts so much," I gasp, eyes fluttering. I can't breathe - my lungs splutter and the ache in my hips increases-

"No, no! Stay with me Halcyon, stay with me." Ridge pulls me gently into his lap, tapping my cheek. My head lolls. "We've got to go! He's losing too much blood!" 

Stephan snarls, "Tony can't move!" 

"Please," Tony sobs, "help Halcyon. He-he saved me. They were going t-to m-m-mess with me but H-Halcyon took it for me every time!" 

Stephan stiffens and it's then I can smell both of Ridge's and Stephan's fear. I sob louder. It hurts so much, it hurts- No air is getting into my lungs and my body shudders-

Pain flares inside me as Ridge slowly stands up with me in his arms. I scream, then pass out.

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