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The first thing I feel is pain. 

My eyes fling open and I see white walls. There's wires connected to me. I desperately try to yank them off because the chains are restricting me and I can't breathe- 

"Ridge! RIDGE!" 

"Woah, woah, easy baby, I'm here," Ridge suddenly soothes in front of me, pulling me into his arms. 

Fear threatens to consume me and I bury my nose into his chest. My body shakes uncontrollably and I try to talk but my throat hurts like someone's shoved their cock down my throat 

I can't breathe again - my ass hurts so bad and the angry pinch in my hips is spreading - I scream and vomit- 

Ridge grasps my face in his hands. Sweat pools down my face, tears burning my eyes. "Look at me. Look at me! I've got you, okay? No one can hurt you. I love you, Halcyon. You're safe with me. You'll always be safe with me." Tears glisten in his eyes. His voice breaks. "Oh baby, what did they do to you?"


Ridge guards the hospital room like a soldier, not letting anyone close to me. A police officer was also guarding my door.

I don't let anyone touch me. When the nurses tried to treat some of my wounds, I screamed and lashed out so much they had to sedate me. I woke up tied down which made another panic attack ensue.

They tried to get me to eat but I wasn't hungry. I'd have panic attacks if Ridge looked at me funny, and I refused to go to the bathroom so I had a catheter in me. 

I was mostly cleaned off but I hadn't taken a bath or shower since arriving at the pack hospital.

Whenever I moved, the horrible pain in my butt and hips would make me scream. My ribs were broken, my back, shoulders, and ass covered in black and blue welts. My wrists and ankles were rubbed raw and I had two black eyes and broken nose.

A nurse came in every few hours amd, with the help of Ridge, changes my bandages and rubs salve over my bruises and wounds. I was taking painkillers every hour. If not, the pain would get so bad I would go into a panic attack or pass out. 

Through all this, Ridge never left my side. Tony tried to come in but I was thrown into another panic attack. 

I stayed curled up in my hospital bed, surrounded by blankets that smelled like Ridge. Sometimes Ridge would sleep on the very edge of the bed with me so he wouldn't scare me, sometimes he would sleep in a chair. I couldn't sleep. My mind was plagued by night terrors. Even the medication they were giving me wasn't helping. 

I didn't want to live anymore. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Anton. When I moved, I felt his cock shredding my insides. I wanted to die. 

I ended up spilling all of this to my mate when finally, after days of not sleeping, I was falling asleep. 

When I woke up, a nurse was injecting something into my IV. I jumped away and cried in my bed until slowly, my mind began to calm down. 

"He needs lots of sleep," she whispered to Ridge as I began to drift off once more. They began to talk in hushed voices but I was too far gone to understand. 

"I'm rejecting you." 

I freeze. "Wh-what?" 

"You heard me," Ridge tells me, "I'm rejecting you. You're used up and disgusting. I don't want to be with someone like you." 

"No, no, wait! Please! I'll change, please don't leave me!" 

"I'm sorry, but my mind is made up." Ridge turns and starts walking away from me. My hands are outstretched in front of me but I can't reach him...

I wake up screaming my mate's name.

 Someone jumps into the bed instantly, pulling me into their lap. I scream and punch the strong chest that holds me. "Please stop! Ridge! Help! Stop, stop! Hurts! It hurts!" I blindly claw at my attacker until suddenly - 

Ridge's voice reaches. "Hush baby, I've got you, it's me Halcyon. It's me. I'm not going to hurt you." He's steady and calm, even through my punches, though I know that my weight loss has made me weak. I think Ridge's calmness helps to settle me.

I cling to him and relish the fact that he's holding me for the first time in days. I breathe him in, shivering violently. "Y-you rejected me," I finally whispered, voice hoarse. 

He stiffens slightly which makes me stiffen so he instantly relaxes. "It was just a nightmare honey," he soothes, shifting his fingers through my oily hair. I curl tighter against him, his scent filling me up and warming me. The warming feeling makes my toes curl. I'm sweating and it's hot. Really hot. I'm panting and the aching warmth swirls in my belly, reaching my groin. I whimper and moan. It's so hot. So hot. I glance down to see I'm hard. The sight makes me want to vomit before another wave of heat crashes over me. 

My fingernails sink into Ridge's shoulders, my spine bowing to push my groin against Ridge for some much needed friction. This can't be happening. Not after everything. Not now. 

"Halcyon? What's wrong?" 

At his voice, I moan, my face hot and sweaty. My cock throbs against him and I know he can feel it. It hurts, and panic begins to set in, before another wave crashes through me and I jut my hips against him. 

Ridge seems to be clicking the pieces together and I whimper and hump him like a horny puppy. He doesn't move and lets me grind into him. "Halcyon," his voice is steady, "do you want me to touch you?" I shake my head no violently but my hips continue to move. A shiny wet spot appears on my sweats where the head of my cock is. Ridge slowly wraps his arms around me to help hold me up and at the contact, my cock throbs and I moan. My hole spasms and I cry out. It hurts and is very uncomfortable but more heat covers me. I whimper, squeezing Ridge tightly and burying my face into his neck. "Listen to me," Ridge says steadily, softly, his voice right by my ear, "you're in heat, okay? I hate seeing you in pain and I've only ever wanted to make you comfortable. Please let me help you sweetest. That's the only thing I've ever wanted to do." His voice rolls through me like gentle, comforting waves, and I find myself nodding. 

Ridge goes to scoot back but I cling to him harder, moaning as my sensitive erection rubs against him. He sighs softly before reaching between us, slowly rubbing my thighs to help comfort me. I cry out - the heat is unbearable. I pull away and yank my shirt off before attacking Ridge's mouth with my own. He gasps in my mouth, surprised, before his tongue brushes mine. I moan and shudder, my cock straining painfully inside my sweatpants. 

His fingers gently brush the outline of my hard on and I tense. Ridge senses this and gently coaxes me back into kissing him. I barely notice that he's already pulled my painfully hard erection out. 

Ridge pulls away from my slobbery kiss to spit on his hands before gently grasping my cock. I whine, and Ridge returns to kissing me, wrist flicking delicately over my length. He's careful and notices whenever I tense. When I start to panic, he slows the pace down and stops until I nod, then he picks back up speed. When I kiss him, nothing else matters. Everything fades away and it's only him. 

My thighs begin to tremble. Noticing this, Ridge tightens his grip slightly and goes faster, whispering soothing words to me. "Wh-what's happening?" I gasp. I pull away to bury my face in his neck, panting harshly.

"You're safe. Just let the feeling come over. I've got you. I love you," Ridge breathes, and something amazing rushes over me. It's pleasurable, and I moan loudly as cum shoots between us. It feels amazing and finally the burning heat starts to settle. I collapse onto Ridge, breathing heavily, twitching with aftershocks. 

"I love you," I whisper to him, "so much." His lips brush my forehead and fall asleep leaning against him.

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