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I'm currently sitting on the couch cuddled up to Ridge in his house. Stephan and Tony had left to go to their home a few days ago. It's just been the two of us, so when there's knock on the door, I about jump out of skin.

Ridge glances at me before standing up and walking over to the door. I see him smile when he opens it and the scent of oil and smoke fills my nose. Another male were. ​​​​​​ My stomach turns and I sink into the couch and Ridge gives the were an odd hug. I see Ridge's lips move and the werewolf laughs but my ears are ringing. 

Ridge freezes when he sees me practically trying to pass through the couch. 

He says my name and when the man steps inside, Ridge places a hand on his chest to stop him. "Halcyon," Ridge says, his voice soothing and soft compared to his normal tone, "this is my friend, Shawn, he's next in line to be Beta when the Alpha retires. Is it okay for him to come in?" 

Shawn turns his head and whispers in his ear, "Speaking of which, the Alpha is coming to meet the newest member of our pack, sir." He gestures to me. Ridge waves him off dismissively and waits for me to answer. 

I look over Shawn, who's eyeing me oddly, and nod. Ridge's hand drops from Shawn and comes over to sit next to me. Shawn walks in front of me and holds his hand out. I stare at the odd gesture and sniff cautiously at his hand. Shawn gives Ridge a weird look. Ridge sets his jaw and shakes his head slowly as his arm snakes around my shoulders. I bury myself as far as I can into his side, watching Shawn. Ridge runs his hand up and down my arm as Shawn sits down. 

"Do you mind if we cut right to the chase?" Shawn asks, voice deep. Ridge sighs and looks at me then looks back at Shawn before nodding. 

"After the place was burnt down, which you were there for-" Ridge nods and glances at me "-some of the scientists escaped with weres that survived the fire. I sent the best Trackers after them but they ended up losing them. They went through streams to throw off the Trackers then set off to a different state. The Trackers picked their scent back up in town where it looks like they highjacked a vehicle."

Ridge lets out a string of cuss words which made me flinch. "You're tracking the vehicle, right?" His voice was harsh but my mate pressed a kiss to the side of my head to show it wasn't towards me. 

Shawn nodded. "Yes, of course sir." 

"Good." Ridge sighs into my hair, taking in a deep breath of my scent. I can feel myself start to relax around this new were. 

Footsteps coming up to the door makes Ridge stand. "I'll go talk to the Alpha, can you stay here and keep Halcyon company?" 

Shawn nods and gives me a gentle smile. "Yes sir." 

Ridge glances at me before nodding to himself when the Alpha knocks thrice at the door. The door opens and I'm hit with a strong, familiar scent. 

The blood drains from my face when I see the Alpha. His face is full of wrinkles and his salt and pepper hair is slicked back. His small, beady eyes are sharp and his suit looks like it's about to rip from just the sheer size of his muscles.

Shawn is looking concerned. "Are you alright, Halcyon?" I can barely hear him. My ears are ringing. 

That scent. That horrible, awful scent. The scent of that place - of sickness and death and blood and fear - my head is spinning and the world goes sideways - Shawn catches me and I see his lips moving but I can't hear him - my lungs splutter uselessly - I'm suddenly not in the living room...

I'm breathing in that horrible smell of fresh - my wrists and ankles are tied down - they burn against the ropes - the rawness of my tongue feels like someone's shoving their cock down my throat and I can't breathe-

My stomach lurches and I spit out what feels like my soul - Ridge is there but I can't hear him, I just smell that God awful stench - a noise reaches my ears and I barely register its coming from me-

The Alpha stares at me and his icy glare freezes my skin over- 


I know that scent - he steps closer and that horrid smell - I gag then spit out bile-

Ridge looks up at the Alpha and I know he's clicking the pieces together. He stands up, shielding my view of the Alpha. Not that it matters so much - my vision is blurring -

Ridge's muscles are all bunched up and he looks downright terrifying. The canines in his mouth elongate and the veins in his neck are visible. 

The burly Alpha looks just as terrifying - lips peeled back to show his teeth in an effort to intimidate my mate. 

"Whoa, whoa!" Shawn. "Calm the fuck down! What's going on?!"

"Its him!" Ridge booms. "HE HURT MY MATE!" 

The Alpha snarls then charges at Ridge.

Oh boi

My Poor baby is going through so much. Do You guys think it was the Alpha or was Halcyon misreading everything?


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