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"Open the door, baby." Ridge stands on the other side of the bathroom door and I crank the water to the shower on so it would drown out his voice. The low drone of his voice was still audible, but I choose to ignore him. The aching pain in my legs works as a distraction.

He doesn't care you were raped he doesn't care doesn't care doesn't-


My head perks up. "T-Tony?" 

The familiar scent of my former cell member came from behind the door, but he smelt... different. 

"Can I talk to you?" His voice is soothing and soft, unlike a lot of males'. "I have something I want to tell you." 

 It's a trick - danger- 

My legs shake when I stand up. "What is it?" I question softly, my hand hovering over the locked doorknob. 

"Let me in and I'll tell you." Tony's voice is gentle, not demanding. I hesitate. "Ridge left the room. It's just us here." Biting my lip, I slowly unlock and open the door. I take a moment to look Tony over. He is in light gray sweatpants and a large T-shirt, which I assum is Stephan's from the scent. Tony smirks at me as my nostrils flare. "May I come in?" Slightly embarrassed, I step to the side. 

"What did you want to tell me?" There was  something off about Tony's scent...

"So, since the previous Alpha is dead, Stephan is now going to step in as Alpha," he says, a glint to his eyes. 

I cross my arms over my chest. "That's not what you came to tell me," I huff, shifting my weight from one foot to another. My legs ache. I couldn't help but peek around Tony to look for Ridge. He wasn't there, and I ignored the disappointment that hit me. 

Tony smiles, practically glowing. "No, that's not what I came to tell you." He chuckles when I stare at him expectantly. "I'm pregnant." 

My body tenses. "You're... pregnant?" 

Tony laughs, smiling brightly. "Yes! I'm pregnant!" He places a hand over his belly, and I just then notice the tiny baby bump that the large shirt had been hiding. My eyes widen and I stare. Shock courses through me and I break out into a cold sweat. A feeling I couldn't figure out settles low in me. 

They'll come and take the baby. They'll take the baby like they took you! They'll come. They'll come back- 

"Aren't you excited?" 

I blink out of my trance. Tony is staring at me, eyebrows furrowed in what looked like the beginning of anger. 

I force a smile. "Of course I'm excited!" I stretch out a hand, motioning towards his stomach. He nods, lips curved upwards. Tony's belly is soft under my hand, skin smooth. The bump was barely there, but I couldn't stop the tears blurring my vision. "I'm so happy for you," I say, smiling through the onslaught of tears. 

"Oh Halcyon!" He cries, moving forwards carefully to wrap me in a hug. "Thank you." I bury my face into his neck. 

If only he knew the real reason why I am crying.

Tony talks about what he was going to name his and Stephan's baby for nearly an hour. "If it's a girl, I think I'll name her Rachael. No, I don't think Stephan would like that. Would it be weird to name her Stephanie? Oh, if it's a boy, he'll definitely be named Cameron! Do you like the name Cameron? What about Zoey for a girl name? Think Stephan would like that?" 

His phone starts abruptly ringing in his pocket and I thank God silently. 

"I've got to go, Stephan is in a meeting and he wants me there." Tony stands and gives me one last hug. "Take care now, and try to talk to Ridge. He loves you very much." With that, he shuts the bedroom door behind him, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

Placing a hand over my stomach, I sigh. I couldn't get pregnant. I knew that. After the multiple rapes and beatings, something happened to my reproductive organs. One of the nurses confirmed it after one of the rapes. I didn't think it mattered then, I hadn't planned on having kids. But now... 

Tears burn in my eyes and I collapse onto the bed, sobbing while clutching Ridge's pillow and breathing in his scent. My heart hurt. I was turning into a weakling again. My crying seized. I needed to talk to Ridge. 

Standing up, I wipe away my tears, and march out of the bedroom.

Halcyon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now