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I pass out as they cut into my back, slicing easily through muscle and bone. 

When I wake back up, someone parts my thighs. I can't feel it at first - everything's coming in one at a time - but I feel my legs part. 

My back hurts so much. There's a horrible pain shooting over the expanse of my back and digging into my spine. 

I try to grab hold of something as my brain peels itself away from my skull. 

"That's it..." 

There's a voice close to my ear. A hand roughly pulls at my cock. When my body doesn't respond, they tighten their grip further and pull harder and it feels like my dick is going to come off- 

"-stick it..." 


My vision fades in and out, as do voices. I pass out, only to wake back up as a horrible pressure enters my ass. I feel myself scream and it's like someone is ripping me apart - God please just let me die- 

I can't tell if it's my head thumping or my body is being jolted but the pain is making my eyes roll. Fire rips up and down my spine and I choke - something vile - slips it's way between my lips. My throat spasms - trying to repel whatever it is out - but the foreign object is forced deeper down my throat. My head is so dizzy and my body is being split apart - it burns. I smell blood and fresh and agony is shaking my body. It hurts so much...

I'm gagging and the object is pulled out of my throat - my head snaps back and there's a sharp pain on my face - I think I've been hit. 

My back burns like fire and I wonder if someone has laid me across a stove. I pray that they'll will kill me or that the pain will knock me out. Voices come in and out randomly and I can't focus on anything. A rhythmic noise fills my ears and I don't know if it's my heart in my head or if there's a slapping sound- 

My world spins and shapes move about me. Agony laces up and down my spine and I choke on a bitter liquid. Something hits me hard between the legs and I'm vomiting and choking - Can't breathe - let me choke to death -

A sharp pain grips onto my head and I hear the pops as hair is pulled from my scalp and it's burning. My eyes roll around uselessly - my head slams over and over onto something and I feel like I'm being electrified - 

The pressure in my ass leaves and I'm falling... my head hits the ground and the world goes black. 

"-coyn. Halcoyn! Halcoyn, can you hear me?" 

I'm on my stomach still, but I feel the warmth of clothes on my back. Something cold hits my face and my eyes spring open. 

"Easy, darlin, it's just Amy." 

Nurse Amy wipes my forehead with a cool, wet rag. I have met Nurse Amy before, when they whipped me when I refused to leave mom. My back looked like shredded meat after that. I had seen her a few times after, too, whether it be fighting with other weres or The Takers doing whatever they pleased. 

I try to speak, to ask what happened, but my throat feels like I've been screaming all night. There's a deep pinch between my hips and my back burns horribly. Deep down, I already know what has happened.

Something freezing cold is placed on my back and I gasp out loud and flinch. "It's just ice darlin, they really messed you up this time." I let her continue with her chit-chat, trying to focus on her words rather than the burning of my back or the horrible ache in my hips. It feels like someone shoved a burning hot rod up my ass and impaled me with it. I can't move.

"Hurts-" I gasp out, whimpering pathetically.

It won't stop.

I thrash, trying to escape the fire that holds my body captive. 

"I know, honey. Thankfully The Takers have given us some pain killers." 

I barely hear her - my ears are ringing. "M-morphine," I sob, "please."

The Nurse stabs me with something and I'm back asleep. 


I'm in bed rest In the wing with the other hurt and damaged children and teens; I know the adults are either placed somewhere else or... removed entirely.

I try not to look at the other children. I met the eyes of grotesque face - huge, bulging eyes and an abnormally swollen face that looks like a cement block fell onto it - and I couldn't look at anyone else. I thank whoever is out there that The Takers didn't fuck with my face. 

I know something's wrong with me. I can feel it when I breathe. There's something heavy on my back and it burns like fire. I cry for long periods of time to try and relieve the pain but it's no use. 

There's a constant chorus of babies crying and it's almost like it's not there, I've gotten so used to it. The Nurses fiddle about, taking care of the babies and other kids, changing the ice on my back yet avoiding any of my questions. 

After a while, I give up trying to get answers. 

A horrible scream meets my ears and I know not to look. Someone is rushed into the room and their screams are horrifying. 

"My blood - it burns! Make it stop! Make it stop!" I close my eyes and force back my own cries. "There's fire in my veins! My body is burning! Help-" 

There's the sound of a sharp crack as bones break then it's silent once again. 

I still don't look. 

I had a hard time writing this chapter Thoughts so far? Comment below! 


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