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I refuse to leave my mate's side. I physically can't. Whenever Ridge left, whether to take care of an errand or even go to the bathroom, I was thrown into a screaming, crying mess.

Something snapped in Ridge. Being protective over me before everything, now his behavior has increased tenfold. 

Stephan tries to see me but is sent away.

I really want to see Tony. I need to know he's okay. I tell Ridge this, begging. 

My mate sighs, eyes shifted - they're constantly shifting now - and eventually agrees when tears build in my eyes. 

I learn Tony was being treated for shock when he slipped into a coma. His shock prolonged the pregnancy, abruptly shutting down the labor. 

I'm in a wheelchair when I finally get to see Tony. Ridge wheels me down the hallway in the hospital and hesitates at the door. Being out of my room is terrifying, but the need to see Tony overrides my fear. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and Ridge wheels me in. 

The first thing I take in is Stephan. His eyes are bloodshot and there's dark circles under his eyes. Under the florescent light, he looks mostly pale. Worry lines are etched acrossed his forehead and his mouth and I frown when I see him clutching his pregnant mate's hand. 

At first, he doesn't notice me, but after a moment his head jerks up and his eyes widen. "Halcyon," he breathes, jumping to his feet. I flinch at the movement and Ridge moves to stand protectively beside me. Stephan glances meaningfully at me and Ridge takes a step back, giving a silent "okay". Stephan drops to his knees in front of me and I gasp audibly. "Thank you," he whispers, tears streaming down his face, "Thank you for taking care of my mate. If it weren't for you... I'm so sorry..." He bares his neck to me, practically rolling over onto his back to reveal his belly in the sincerest apology. I'm taken back by the Alpha's sincerity and I'm lost for words. 

"It-it's - I-I don't - no -" I stammer over myself but Stephan cuts me off. 

"If it weren't for you, I don't know what would've happened..." The Alpha's voice cracks and my eyes fill with tears. 

I jump when Ridge places a warm hand on my shoulder. He winces when I jump. "Please," I manage, "stand up."

Alpha Stephan stands and we all freeze when a small voice breaks the silence,



Stephan, followed closely by us, immediately jumps up. He grasps Tony's hand, kissing his knuckles over and over. "Hey baby," he whispers, voice thick with emotion.

Tony's hand weakly grabs at Stephan's. "Baby?" He questions weakly. "Where's my baby?"

We all flinch. "You haven't birthed them yet. You were in a coma."

Ridge and I stay quiet, letting the mates talk.

Tony visibly stiffens. "W-what?"

Ridge and I took that as our cue to leave and Ridge began to wheel me out until Tony calls out my name.

I quickly wheel myself up to where he was. Now closer to him, I could see his thin hands grasping at Stephan's and how his belly was the size of a watermelon against his tiny frame.

He slowly sits up, with the help of Stephan, and reaches for my hand with his free hand. Tears glitter in his eyes and run down his face when he blinks. "Tony, baby-"

"Halcyon," he murmurs, cutting his mate off, "I-I don't really know what to say. I'm-I'm so s-sorry-" He's cut off with sobs coming up his throat. My own tears sting my eyes and I shake my head.

"Please don't apologize," I tell him sincerely, but he starts sobbing harder and I slowly come forward and wrap him in a hug. We stay that way for a while.

Halcyon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now