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"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" 

Tony cries beside me, apologizing profusely. 

"It's okay," I reassure, moving my aching jaw to test it, "it's not your fault." 

His cries grow louder and I can't move closer to comfort him. "Tony, breathe, okay? I need you to breathe with me." 

"B-breathe?! Y-y-you should b-be focusing on b-breathing!" 

It hurts to talk but Tony is beginning to go into a panic attack. I taste blood with my next words and my throat aches horribly. "Tony, listen to me, I need you to breathe with me, okay? Four seconds in, four out." He copies me shakily. "There you go." After almost a minute, his breathing starts to even out, though his hands shake in the cuffs. 

"This is all my fault." 

I tense and glare at Tony halfheartedly. "Shut up. It's not your fault." My arms ache and my fingers went numb a  long time ago. 

"Do you think Stephan and Ridge will find us?" 

I don't answer him. 


I don't know how long it's been. My cries echo off the cement walls. Tony was knocked out and had been out for the past 24 hours. Or had it been longer? Time didn't exist down here. I couldn't keep up anymore. 

Burning pain lace up and down my spine, across my shoulders, and on my ass as Anton brings down a whip over and over along my body. Nothing covers my body and I can't remember the last time I had anything to eat or drink. I am bent over a tall wooden stool, weights attached to my nipples that dangle over the edge. "Shut the fuck up!" I scream as the whip lashes over my back once more. Blood patters onto the ground below me and I know if I could see behind me, I would be covered in deep bruises and welts that were turning black. 

The whippings stop as Anton comes around in front of me, jerking is cock slowly. "Open." 

I hesitate, trying to gather my bearings past the agonizing pain, and instantly regret it. Anton tugs hard on one of the weights attached to my nipples and I scream in agony. The pain makes me dizzy. "I won't tell you again. Open. Your. Fucking. Mouth." 

I immediately open my mouth and before it was even open all the way, Anton shoves his dick down my throat. Rough hands grasp my head and Anton begins to piston himself in and out of my mouth rapidly. "Oh yeah, keep that mouth open for me. That's it." He grunts and groans, hands pulling at my hair. I thanked God I didn't have that much of a gag reflex anymore after the years of abuse. 

Anton pulls his dick out and slaps me in the face with it a few times before he goes around behind me. I tense. This is the worst part. Anton grasps my handcuffed hands that were behind my back, yanking on the chain that connected to the cuffs. My arms burn as they are slowly pulled out of socket. I cry and sob for Ridge. 

"What did I tell you about that name?" Anton snarles, yanking harshly on my poor arms. I cry harder, tears and snot dripping off my chin. 

"I-I'm s-s-sorry Sir," I stutter out past my tears. 

"Good pet," Anton purrs, fingers brushing against my entrance. I tensed and fear washed over me. I tremble violently as Anton teasingly brushed his erection against my opening. "Now, now," he soothes mockingly, "don't be like that. You shake every time we do this. Do you not enjoy it?" He reaches around and grasps my semi hard member as he thrusts into me in one go. I scream, something warm and wet flowing down my legs as my muscles tear. Anton laughs. "You scream but your body seems to like it," he teases, jerking my cock. 

My body begins to react, pain and pleasure making me tremble and I feel like I'm going to vomit. Anton wiggles experimentally inside me and nausea overcomes me. Slowly, Anton pulls out, just to slam his hips harshly back into me, jabbing painfully at my prostate. He thrusts a few more times, his rough, calloused hand jerking my dick, before and unwanted orgasm wracks my body. I scream and sob as blood and semen fall to the ground. Never had any of my other rapes been this intense or this long. They did their deed and fucked off. Anton liked to play with his victims until they wished they were dead. 

Anton's cock slams over and over into my prostate and I shudder through another orgasm. 

"Ha! I've made you cum twice! And you act like you don't like it." My kidnappers pace picks up and my stomach twists violently in preparation of what's to come. He grunts and stills, releasing inside me. 

I scream out my mate's name in utter agony until my throat is raw and sore. 

Jesus it's hard to write this and you'll only hate me more in the next chapter but I promise it'll get better. Please comment and heart! 


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