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Jungkook and Taehyung left a little while ago since they were here most of the day. It's currently dinner time and I'm walking to jimins room to get him. I open the door and tell him it's dinner. He turns away from me. "Jiminie it's time to go." I say. "No." He say in a baby voice. "Jimin, it's dinner." I say in a stern voice. He huffs. "Sit up and look at me." I say. He lets a whine. "Jiminie whats rule 1." I say. He sits up and sucks his thumb. "Is someone tired?" I ask.

He shakes his head but his droopy eyes say another story. "I think someone needs a nap." I say. "No nap." He says. "Yes nap." I say going over to him. I start to unbutton his flannel when he pushes my hands away. "No nap." He says. "Yes nap. Now Jimin you need to listen." I say. He puts his thumb back in his mouth as I finish buttoning his flannel leaving him in his undershirt. I unfasten his belt and pull down his pants leaving him in his boxers.

I pick him up and put him under his covers. "No nap." He says tiredly. I pick up Julie and put her next to him. He grabs her and holds her close. I pull the covers over him. "No nap." He says. I sit down on the bed and brush his hair out of his face. "No nap." He mumbles. I continue to run my hands through his hair till I hear soft snores. I carefully get up and leave the room, turning the light off when I leave. I go downstairs. "Where's master Jimin?" His Butler asks.

"He was cranky and needed a nap." I say. "You got him to nap?" He asks in kind of a shocked tone. "Yeah, why is that hard?" I ask. "He wouldn't even nap when his mom would try." He says. "Well he's up there sleeping now." I say. He walks up stairs. I go into the kitchen and tell the chef Jimin will have his dinner later. The Butler comes back downstairs. "I can't believe it." He says. "He's actually sleeping." He says. I eat my dinner. I guess I have the magic touch.

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