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I wake up to the butler walking into my room. "Master Yoongi-and master Jimin, Mr. and Mrs. park have landed they'll be here in a 1 hour." He says before walking out of the room. I set up and rub my eyes. I look over and see Jimin still sound asleep. I get up carefully and go to my closet picking out a outfit. I quickly put on my black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I look in the mirror and check myself out. "Jiminie get up." I say. He doesn't answer. He was easy to wake up yesterday.

"Jimin." I say sternly, pulling the blanket off. "Morning daddy." He says with a big smile. "Morning baby." I say. "You're parents will be home soon, you need to get ready." I say. "I don' wanna." He says. "But you need to." I say. "No." He says with a pout. "I'll give you 5 minutes. I'll be back and better stop pouting." I say before turning to walk downstairs. I go to the schedule and see a have a free day since they're coming back. So that means I can get some more clothes.

I go into the kitchen and the chef sets down my food. "Master Yoongi Where's master Jimin." The butler asks. "You can call me Yoongi and Jimin is in little space and being a brat so I gave 5 minutes to knock it off." I say eating. "Okay." He says. I finish my eggs and toast and go back upstairs. I go back into my room and see Jimin fell back asleep. "Jimin." I say. He whines. "Jimin get up." I say. "No." He says. "Do you need a punishment?" I ask. He huffs. I go over to him and pull the covers off him.

I go to pick him up but he starts kicking. I grab his legs and hold them down. "I'm not playing this fucking game Jimin. You're getting up and doing what I tell you." I say. He starts crying. I run my hand through my hair. I get up and walk to his room. I get into his closet and pick him out an outfit. I don't really care if he likes it right now. After a couple minutes Jimin comes waddling in, still crying. "Arms up." I say. He puts his arms close to his body.

"Jiminie baby, I'm sorry I cursed at you." I say. "What can I do to make it better?" I ask. He points to his forehead. "You want a kiss?" I ask. He nods, wiping his tears. I grab his chin softly and place a soft kiss on his forehead. "Better?" I ask. He nods. "Good now let me get you dressed." I say. The dressing goes smoothly and I then take him downstairs to feed him breakfast. It also goes smoothly. We brush our teeth and fix our hair. I go back into my room and grab my things for my day. I hear the front door open. I quickly finish and go downstairs to meet his parents.

Little space|YoonminOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz