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I'm currently sitting at a local beauty shop. I have bleach in my hair since I'm dying it. Hoseok of course won when he picked out the color because everyone else picked blonde after. Not complaining though. I've always wanted to try blonde hair. I've never had enough money to dye my hair before. "Okay it's time to wash your your hair." The hairstylist says. I walk over to the hair washing station. She starts washing my hair. As she's running her hands through my hair I get reminded of Jimin.

How he likes me runing my hand through his hair when he's upset. He's pretty upset right now. He completely outed himself and in the worst way. She finishes washing my hair and starts to style it and by style it in mean blow dry it and just let it curl. I start to overhear the gossip. "So I heard that the parks hired somebody new." "I did too something about a babysitter." "Or maybe a person to watch their son that's a little."

"Do you believe those rumors?" "Yes, littles exist." "But rumors aren't always true." "If He's a little does that mean he's gay?" "Aren't all littles gay?" "No." I say texting an Uber. "How would you know?" One asks. "Because I know a little." I say standing up. I go over and pay before going out of the beauty shop in the pouring rain. I wait under the canapé a few minutes before the Uber comes. I get in and they drive me to the gate. I get and start to walk to the house.

I continue to walk when I see Jimin on the front lawn, crying. Oh shit. I run up to him and he latches onto me. I pick him up and carry him inside. "Oh my god Jimin." The butler says gasping as he sees me carrying him in. "How could you let him just walk out!" I yell. "You're his caregiver you were suppose to be watching him!" He yells back. "It my personal day if he slipped into little space you could have called me to tell me and I would have came back!" I yell. I hear a whimper come from beside me.

I look over to see Jimin tearing up. "Come on let's get you dried off." I say. He latches onto me again and I take him upstairs. We go to his room and I strip him of his wet clothes. I quickly pick out a warm pair of pajamas. I get him dressed and let him crawl into my lap. "Baby what were you doing outside?" I ask softly. "I w-was wooking for you." He says through cries. "Daddy's here." I say comforting him. I run my hand through his wet hair. I look at the clock and see it's 8:20. "Baby it's bedtime." I say.

"No bed." He says. "It's late baby." I say. "Don' care." He says. I stand up and put him on the ground. I pull the blanket up and put him in it. I try to get away but he holds me strong. "Baby I'm going to get in my pajamas and I'll be right back." I say. "Pwomise?" He says. "Yes baby." I say. He lefts go of me. I stand up and walk to my room. I change my clothes and go back into jimins room. "Come on Baby." I say. He gets up and we go to the bathroom.

I pick up his toothbrush and as I'm about to put the toothpaste on he stop me. "Can I trwy?" He asks. "Sure baby." I say handing him to toothpaste. He squeezes some toothpaste onto the brush. "Good job." I say handing him the toothbrush. He smiles brightly. So he likes praise too. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. I finish brushing my teeth and rinse my mouth. I pour the mouth wash into the cup and hand it too Jimin. He rinses his mouth and I get him to his room. I end up cuddling with him till he falls asleep.

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