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"So you're enjoying your new job?" Hoseok asks through the phone. "Most of the time." I say looking at clothes at a store in the mall. "He has his moments." I say. "Is He as cute has rumors say?" He asks. "He's stunning to be honest." I say. "His body's not that bad either." I say. "Yoongi you didn't." He says. "You're right I didn't. I have to bathe him and dress him of course I know what his body looks like." I say. "Do you know if he's gay?" He asks. "Hoseok I'm not setting you up with jimin." I say.

"I wasn't asking for me." He says. "I'm not sleeping with him either." I say quietly. "When's the last time you slept with someone?" He asks. "We're not talking about this Hoseok." I say. "That long?" He asks. "I'm going to hang up on you." I say. "I know you won't." He says. I hang up on him. After a couple seconds he calls back. I answer it. "You dick." He says. "Yeah." I say. I go up to the cashier and check out. "So what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asks.

"Shop." I say. "I need clothes." I say handing her my debit card. She hands it back and I walk out of the store. The other line beeps. "Hold on Hoseok I have another call." I say. "Okay." He says. I answer. "Hello." He says. "Yoongi you need to come home Jimin won't stop crying and he locked himself in his closet." Jimins mom says. "Okay I'll be there in a couple minutes." I say. "Okay hurry." She says. I switch back. "Hoseok?" I ask. "Yeah." He says.

"I have to go home now jimins acting up." I say exiting the mall. "Okay." He says. "I'll call you later." I say. "Bye." I say. "Bye." He says. We hang up and I call a Uber. He comes after a few minutes. He drives me to the gate and I grab all my stuff. I show them my I.D and they let me in. I quickly make my way to the house and go inside. "Thank god you're here." She says. I quickly go up to my room dropping off my bags. "He wouldn't even come out for me." She says.

We all go into jimins room and I go over to the closet. I knock softly. "Go way." He cries. "Jiminie please open the door." I say. The door opens and in an instant Jimin is hugging me tightly. I run my hand through his hair and lets him cry it out. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I miss' you" He says. "Is that all?" I ask. He nods. I look over to the others giving them the signal it's okay to leave. They nod and I pick him up and carry him to the bed. I sit down and pull him onto my lap.

"I was gone for 2 hours." I say. "I got lonely." He says. "Well daddy's here." I say. He leans his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. "Are you tired?" I ask. "No." He says. "I think you are." I say. "No I not." He says. "Yes you are baby." I say standing up. I go to lay him down but he holds on. "No, daddy." He says. "Jimin." I say. "If I nap you' leave me." He says. "Would you like to nap in my room?" I ask. "Yes." He says. I pick him back up and grab Julie.

I try to set him down but he wraps his legs around my waist. I walk back to my room as jimins almost fell asleep. He sucks his thumb as his eyes fall closed. I pull up the blanket and lay him down. I hand him Julie and cover him with the blanket. I brush his hair out of his face. I walk over to my closet and start putting my new clothes away. I look over a see Jimin sitting up and watching me. "Jiminie baby, nap." I say. "No." He pouts. "It's nap time." I say. "No nap time." He says.

I finish putting my stuff away and close the door. I go over to him and pull the blanket up. I remove his belt and pants. I pull the blanket back on top of him. "No." He says kicking the blanket off of him. "Jimin." I say covering him with the blanket again. "No nap." He says kicking the blanket off again. I groan in frustration and sit down on the bed. "Daddy?" He asks. I stand up and leave the door slamming the door as I leave. I go into his room and grab the rules sheet. I grab a pen and go back to him.

I open the door and see a crying Jimin on the bed. I close the door and grab a book. I go over to the bed and sit down next to him. I start writing down new rules. I get finished and turn to him.

4)  Nap time is at 3pm everyday. - Daddy's choice.

5) Tantrums will not be tolerated- time out

6) No Throwing tantrums to get daddy's attention. - Daddy's choice. 

7) Bed time 8pm every night.

I read them off to him. "No." He says.

8) No talking back to daddy- timeout

He pouts. I go over to my closet and pull out a pair of pajama pants. "Stand up." I say. "No." He says. "Yes." I say making him stand up. I put on his pajama pants with much fight from Jimin. I go over to the desk on the other side of my room and grab the chair. I take it to the corner away from everything and write a sign. Time out. "Jimin come over here." I say. "No." He says. "If you don't come now you'll have to stay longer." I say. He stands up and stomps over to me.

He sits down In the chair and crosses his arms. I go over to my balcony and pull out a cigarette. I pull out my lighter and light it. "Daddy." I hear Jimin whine. "No talking." I say taking a drag of my cigarette. I pull out my phone and set the timer for 30 minutes, just because he put up some much fight. I've been smoking a lot more recently. Little Jimin just gets on my nerves. I hear soft cries coming from the little. I'm not letting him get to me. I need a drink.

I wonder if he parents will let me. I finish my cigarette and pull out another one. Don't judge me I need it. I light it and look out over the city. Just a little further out of the city, is the house my parents kicked me out of at the age of 15. Fucking dicks. The door opens and his mom comes in. I put out my cigarette and walk back into the room. "I heard Jimin crying." She says. "He's in time out." I say. "What did he do?" She asks. "A lot of things." I say. "He has 15 minutes left." I say. "Okay." She says.

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