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"Okay, one more try." Hoseok says. "I've already gave you many chances." I say annoyed. "Come on." He says. "Whatever." I say. I open my mouth and he throws the popcorn into my mouth after many failed attempts. "Wooo." He cheers. I sit back and watch the movie. We're having a scary movie marathon. It's a tradition we've had since I first moved in. I hear shuffling and turn to see Jimin rubbing his eyes tiredly, a pout on his face, stuffed unicorn under his arm. He's in little space.

"Jiminie, I think it's time for bed." I say standing up. "No." He says. "Rule 7 And 8." I say. He whines. "Jimin don't start." I say. He doesn't listen and continues to whine. "I'll be back." I say standing up. "Come on Jiminie." I say. "No." He says. "Yes." I say. "Daddy." He whines. "Don't daddy me, get upstairs." I say. He stomps upstairs. "Is that how littles act?" Hoseok asks. "Not all of them. I just got a whinny one." I say. "I need to get him ready for bed." I say before walking away.

"Can I watch?" He asks. "I guess, but you have to look away when he's naked." I say. "Okay." He says standing up. We walk upstairs where I find Jimin pouting in his bedroom. "Pick out your soap." I say. He grunts. "If you don't pick it out I will." I say. He crosses his arms. I go into the bathroom I turn on the water and pick up a strawberry bubble bath. I will admit a love the smell of strawberries. I put it in and go back into the bedroom.

I go into his closet and pick up some pajamas. "No! Don' like." He says. "Are you going to pick out your own?" I ask. He crosses his arms again. "That's what I thought." I say. I put the clothes in the bathroom. I go back into the bedroom. "Jimin come on." I say. "No." He says. I give him a look. "Jimin I'm not playing." I say. He looks away from my stare. He stands up and stomps his way to the bathroom. I follow him in and give Hoseok the signal to turn around.

I start unbuttoning his shirt and pull it off. He pouts the whole time. I finish undressing him and put him in the bathtub. I make sure the bubbles are high enough to block his naked body before telling Hoseok he can turn around. I pick up the pitcher and carefully pour the water over his head, blocking his eyes. I pick up his shampoo and start washing his hair. He's still pouting. I gotta admit it's pretty cute. I rinse it out carefully, running my hand through his hair.

I see a soft smile creep into his face. He must like this. Noted. I pick up the conditioner and put some in his hair.
"Daddy." He says. "Yeah." I say. He points to a basket of toys. "You want the toys?" I ask. He nods. "Use your words." I say. "Toy' pleawse." He says in a very babyish voice. I reach over a grab them then dump them into the tub. He starts to happily play with them. I take this opportunity to rinse his hair. I grab his soap and a loofa.

I clean his body as he plays with the toys. "I'll let you play with you're toys for a couple minutes." I say. He smiles happily. I go over by the door and hoseok follows me. "So is that really how he acts?" He asks. "You've really never been around a little have you?" I ask. "No." He says. "This is good, don't jinx it." I say. I check the time. 7:38pm. "Jimin baby, you have 2 more minutes then we have to get you to bed." I say. "No." He says. "No talking back." I say.

"I' not tiewd." He says. "I don't care." I say. "Daddy." He whines. "You keep whining you'll get a timeout." I say. He pouts. "It's not going to work on me." I say going over to him. Hoseok turns around and I get him out of the bath with much whining. I dry him off and put on his pajamas with a pout on jimins face the whole time. I pick up the towel and dry his hair. I hand him his tooth brush with some tooth paste on it. He starts to brush his teeth.

I finish cleaning just as he's finished brushing his teeth. I clean off his face and take him to his room. He tries to throw fit. "No! Don' want to!" He yells. I put him in his bed. "No!" He says trying to kick me away. "Jimin! Stop kicking!" I yell. "No." He says standing up and running away. I go over to the list of rules and write down another one.

9) No kicking or Hitting daddy -spankings.

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