10. Bloodstream

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I have been working at the law firm for about two weeks now. Every one is pretty nice there, strictly professionals. Its always busy with many secretaries coming in and out of the bosses offices. They always come in uptight and leave uptight. I have been filing these file and putting them into the computer all day. It has just been me and work, no going out. I want to stay away from that, for one I am afraid I will run into them.

I made myself pretty clear that I didn't want anything to do with them and so far Johannes hasn't tried talking to me. I am happy that he left it alone, as it is.

"Clara, any appointments today?", One the other bosses asked me his name was Marcel. He had black hair with hazel eyes.

"No sir. You asked to not have any appointments booked today because it is your sons birthday party.", I answered back to him.

"Fuck.", He said under his breathe. "Thank you for reminding me."

With that he left. I honestly don't understand how you can forget your own sons birthday. The day he was born, I mean, did you forget your wife was pregnant for nine months? Shocks me.

My main boss, James came and told me that after I got finished with all the paper work I could leave. I finished all of my work pretty fast, I even printed the copies that they needed for tomorrow. Although it was my day off, I left it for the other Secretary.

It was finally time for me to leave, I told my co-workers goodbye. I needed to get a car pretty soon, I am getting pretty tired of asking Bruno for a ride back home. He was waiting for me outside, parked close to the entrance. I entered the car and put on my seat belt. I hadn't noticed what time it was until I looked at the clock. It was 7pm, I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep.

The car ride was quiet, surprisingly Bruno didn't say anything. It was rather weird, if he wasn't going to talk maybe something was going on and I rather not get involved. It probably has to do with them. We finally got home, Bruno opened the door. I went up to my room, closed the door and took off my clothes. I pilled them up in a corner like I do with most of my dirty clothes. I took off my heels which by the way my feet freaking hurt.

I had on some shorts and a green shirt that said 'Seattle', I laid down in my bed and was about to go to sleep.

But of course someone had to knock on the door.

"What?", I asked loud enough so Bruno could hear me.

"You aren't going to go all girly on me are you?", Bruno asked me.

What the hell is he even saying.

"No?", I answered back, still with my head on my pillow.

"I mean because I know it's that time of the month. I'm having a few friends over they may and may not be them.", Bruno said, I bet still standing by the door.

"Sure whatever.", I said not really caring. "Just don't bother me."

"Will do.", Bruno said closing the door back up.

Have I been in such a horrible mood that he thinks I'm on my period. Mother nature won't come knocking on my door until next week. If my calender is right.

I sat up and looked above my head where my calender was. I had my period date and according to the calender I was about three days late. No need to panic, three days is nothing. It always comes regardless if I have sex, I am that irregular.

I went back to sleep, I slept for about three hours until I heard someone open my bedroom door.

"Shh...it's just me Clara.", he said and crawled into my bed. "Just me Carlo."

I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He got on top of me then grabbed the side of my waist.

"Get the fuck off of me.", I said trying to contain my anger.

"No, its so comfortable.", He said, accomplishing getting under the covers.

"How wonderful.", I said getting out of bed and turning on the lamp by the side of my bed. When I saw him he had no mask on, he was beautiful. I never was one to deny a beautiful person in my bed. "Get out."

"No, listen.", He said shushing me when I wasn't even speaking. "I like you very much, you know, when I first saw you. I was like whoa! She is so pretty, with her green eyes. Her long brown hair. Then I saw that you had no clue who I was.", He said getting out of my bed, making his way to me, he touched my cheek. "I saw you as a blank portrait. Someone I could mold, but I think I was wrong. I can't mold you. Ist impossible because no one can change you."

"Stop.", I said grabbing his hand and putting it by his side. "You fucked my co-worker in the same place you had sex with me. You purposely all this sappy shit and expect me to come crawling to you. No. Fuck off. Get it through your head. I don't want anything to do with you!"

"Clara..", He said approaching me. I backed away. "I am being honest."

"Just go home. Talk to me when you aren't drunk and saying nonsense.", I said going towards the door, opening it wide open so he could get the message. That message was to get the fuck out of my room.

He looked at me then walked out of my room. I shut the door.

Complicated bamboo eater, why can't he just be a normal person and not play these unecessary games. Why can't they understand? I don't want anything to do with them. Why can't Bruno understand that? He is the one still associating himself with them. I get that it's just business, he works in advertising and Carlos supposed VioVio brand wants to go global so they are working with that. But they can do it out of my flat. Nowhere near me.

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A/N: The picture is who I see as Clara. Tell me what you think of the story.

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