13. Robbers

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"Danju, you are so right. These dorritos are the best!", I said clinging onto him by his shoulder. "Life without you is like like like, no dorritos!"

"Clara you are so right.", Johannes said. "Carlo, can we keep her?"

"Oh mein gott! Yah we can keep her.", Carlo said laughing at him. "How about you sleep."

"You know, when you sleep, your nervous system is inactive sometimes.", Johannes said making us turn around and stare at him. He was just sitting there eating his dorritos.

"So if Carlo comes into my bed tonight I won't feel it?", I asked him panicking. I mean its scary I won't feel happy.

"Nein, you'd feel his boner.", Johannes said laughing at me making me cling on to his arm because I was laughing to the point I was wheezing.

"Stop.", I heard Carlo say and I tried to compose myself. "Come on you can sleep in my bed."

"Where will Danju sleep?", I asked Carlo.

"In the couch.", He replied.

"Then where will you sleep?", I asked him looking up at him. I was on the floor of the living room. My ass was starting to hurt. I'm pretty sure this was the studio house. I think.

"With you.", Carlo said reaching out his hand so he could help me up. His hands where so big, they looked like the size of the couch. The couch was soft, probably like his lips. Yeah his lips.

"You have pretty Lips.", I blurted out, mom always told me to be honest. "You should put them to use."

"Yah? Well come on we can go to my room.", Carlo said, I took his hand and he led me to his room. We went through a gray hallway and then to the black room. He shut the door and it was pitch black in there. I could feel him in front of me, he kept coming forward and I went backwards. Until I hit what felt like a bed. He began kissing me and I responded back and kissed him back. My back hit the bed. He broke off the kiss, I could feel his eyes on me. I just couldn't see him. He touched my cheeks and kissed me again, breaking off the simple kiss and saying. "Goodnight."

He crawled off of me and laid beside me in bed. I could feel him taking off his pants and shirt by the way the bed was moving. I don't think I cared that I got rejected. I think when danju didn't want to give me any dorritos felt worse than this.
"Wake up..", I felt someone shake me. I swung my arm and covered my face even more with the covers. Who the fuck comes into my room and bothers me on a weekend. "Come on its late and I have to get you home."

"Wait what?", I asked standing up too fast, all the blood in my head rushing. "What the?", I asked myself looking around in the room. It was Carlo's studio house. I could tell by the darkness in the room. I knew one thing, I was fully clothed which meant nothing happened. I was really freaking hungover because I could barley keep my eyes open. "What am I doing here?"

"You and Dajuan wanted to come here so we came here. You and Dajuan where high not to mention really drunk.", Carlo said messing with his soft hair. "I also kicked your prick of a boyfriend out of my party."

"Why the fuck did you do that!?", I screamed at him. He has no fucking right. "Jealous prick."

"You are honestly asking me?", He asked as if I asked him difficult question. I nodded my head. "Really?"

"Yes!", I replied back to him. He has no right to even, ugh!

"He was about to drag you out of the party because you didn't want to leave. Grabbing you from your hand, really hard. You didn't want to leave so I made him leave.", Carlo explained.

"Oh.", I simply said. He does get like that when he drinks. "He gets like that sometimes but nothing ever happens."

"Why would you stoop so low, he's trash.", Carlo argued with me raising his voice.

"Its just-maybe its my fault sometimes.", I said trying to defend Matty.

"Clara are you blind?", He said sitting next to me on the bed. "why would you let anyone treat you like that?"

"Says who?", I snapped at him. "The one who lied to me and betrayed me.", I said standing up. Putting my shoes on. "You aren't anyone to talk."

"Stop.", Carlo said sounding really pissed. "Physical and mental abuse is not even in the same level with have consensual sex."

"You are blowing it out of proportion.", I said, we where eye to eye now.

"Me? You are. Don't expect to be treated like a princess when you can't even respect yourself.", He said, his words cutting deep into my black soul. We stayed silent for a few seconds because I didn't know what to even tell him. I had no come back for the first time in a really long time. No one ever met my whit. "Clara I don't want to fight anymore.", Carlo said sighing. "Just, I would rather start fresh than to keep fighting over the same thing over and over again. We keep coming back to each other every time."

I bit my lip out of habbit when I don't know what the fuck to say. We can take this two ways. One, I could to say no. Then he'd probably still be in my life and I would ruin it for everyone. Two I say yes and we get on with our lives but denying that there we have an attraction towards each other is a lie.

"Fresh.", I said breaking the silence. "You know we what happned between us can't ever happen again. Not in a million years or in your next life, not even in your dreams.", I said stating my rules.

"Okay.", He simply said not even arguing. "Nothing more, just friends. But maybe we should get something out of our system before we go through with this.", he said but before I could ask what it was he crashed his lips on me, grabbing my waist and pushing me back on the bed.

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A/N: Hello, so me and My friend (ira bb) we got addicted to interior designing. So there is this web site where you can make houses and furnish it. So we started making them for our fanfics. So that picture on the top/side is what I invision his room looks like. So tell me what you think about everything!

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