19. Genauso

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Life as it is, well, its a challenge. No one wants to go through obstacles. They want just want a free ride. I think life is better when their is obstacles. But then again I've never had it easy.

Right now we where in a Cafe, sitting there with a croissants. It had sausage and egg. We where outside the Cafe, it was a beautiful day why not enjoy it. Except there was an awkward silence. I didn't have a bandage anymore. I wasn't about to go outside of the house with a big ass bandage on my head. It would look like I just came out of the museum.

"Eat.", Carlo said with his mouth full. It bothers me when he does that. But then again he's paying. So I won't argue.

I grabbed my croissant and started eating. I looked at some little girls playing with the pigeons. I wondered if I was going to be like that in a few years. With some mini pandas. Wait what the fuck?

I put my croissant down which was half eaten by now. I drank some of my orange juice and set the plate aside. I looked at the time on my phone. It was twelve in the afternoon.

On the bright side the decor was nice. But even more, no one really recognized Carlo. Probably because he is growing a beard.

"What's wrong?", He asked then taking a drink from his water.

"Nothing, I'm just not really hungry.", I said scrunching up my nose.

"Do you feel okay?", He asked getting way to concerned.

"Yes?", I answered. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just wondering.", He said shrugging.

"Okay?", I answered back sounding really confused.

"Yah, okay, let's go then.", he said taking out his wallet and putting money on the table.

I grabbed my bag and followed him. He parked around the street, so it was a really silent walk. We where supposed to be headed to Chimperators production building. But first he decided to eat. So here we are on the way to the car now.

"Hold on! You are walking like the sidewalk is running away from you.", I said walking faster trying to catch up to him. These skinny jeans where a bad idea. Should have picked some shorts like always.

"Oh sorry.", He said slowing down. "Forgot you where slow at everything."

"Ha.", I replied back to him.

He smiled at me and got his keys out. His car was a Mercedes what a shocker.

"Want to drive?", he asked me holding out the keys.

Do I? No.

"No I'm good.", I felt so queasy. It was like my stomach was churning doing jumping jacks, back flips, and front flips. Acting like if it was going to try out of the 2016 Rio Olympics.

He looked at me and furrowed his eye brows then went to the front seat. I opened my door and put on my seat belt.

We drove for a little while until it was a red light and he turned over to look at me.

"I'm sorry, you do know that, right?", Carlo said. "You aren't a bet or a good time."

"I know.", I said forcing a smile. "But I think a relationship at this point is a recipe for disaster."

"Yeah, I know.", Carlo said turning back to the road. "Just don't think about him anymore. They have a lead on where he is Clara."

The thought of him made me want throw up. The thought of his hands on my skin.

"Stop the car.", I blurted out.

Carlo stepped on the breaks and pulled over. I threw up on someone's poor plants. They where really nice roses, they won't be happy when they see I just threw up all my breakfast on them.

Carlo was about to come close to me when I held my finger to him. Telling him to just wait there. He stood there scratching the back of his head. I whipped my mouth with my hand. I cleaned my hand with the concrete of the staircase on the house. I went over to Carlo and just gave him a blank stare.

"I think we need to go to the  pharmacy.", He said running his hand over his face. I gave him a confused look. I was about to explain to him why I threw up. "Those times we had sex without a condom..."

"It can't be, I take birth control to regulate my period.", I said, I know I'm not pregnant. Sure my period doesn't come on time but I know I'm not pregnant.

"Are you sure?", he asked me.

"Motherhood isn't for me.", I argued back to him. "My period might not come on time but I would know."

"Ja, okay.", he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. He made his way to the car, opening my door.

He turned around changing direction of the way we where going.

"Where are we going?", I asked him god my breathe smelled fucking horrible. I grabbed my bag and stuck a piece of gum in my mouth. Gross.

"Back home, I'll leave you there and then I'll go back to Chimperator.", He said taking a U-turn.

I just nodded my head and stayed silent the rest of the way home. When we got there he gave me directions. Leaving me phone numbers of Chimperator's important phone numbers.

I just nodded my head and went up to the room. I laid down and had the weirdest dream.

"Come baby come.", He whispered in my ear. I could heat his warm breath on my neck. The sound of his panting in my ear.

I tried to touch him but I couldn't, my hand would go right through.

"Nein.", he said, I know it was Carlo. Their was white smoke everywhere. He stood up from the bed and stood by the bed. I was in bed with no shirt or pants. All he had on was some boxers. He fell back hitting the floor. But when I crawled to the edge of the bed he wasn't there. He was nowhere. I put my foot on the floor, I turned around facing the floor and fell back. I was back home, in Seattle. In a park that was by my house. I felt someone come beside me and it was Carlo he had on a jean jacket and a White T-shirt with some skinny jeans and his worn out Vans. I had on Some skinny jeans, a dark green shirt and some Black Vans, with a black sweater. He held my hand.

"Where are we going?", I asked him, he didn't answer me rather he walked forward. "Carlo."

"Shh…you will ruin it.", He said still walking. We walked further and I saw myself, the older me with children. They where across the pond. Running around feeding the ducks. I was alone, no one by my side. When a guy started to appear I couldn't see his face. I felt Carlo drag me with him. We fell forward in the pond and that's when it happened. I woke up.

Nothing made sense.
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A/N: More Clara & Carlo. It will get better.

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