18. So Good

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"Not now.", I said pushing my hair out of my face.

"Not now, then when?", Carlo asked me looking at me with a face of disgust.

"You don't get it!", I screamed at him out of frustration. "If I get to close to you its going to end up hurting me. Not you. Me.", I said emphasizing those last words.

"Do I have no heart or something?", Carlo asked out of Sarcasm. "I dropped everything I was doing for you. I am here when nobody else has been. What makes you think I'd just hurt you intentionally."

"You won't do it out of spite Carlo. You will do it because you need to, you will see I'm not a good person then you will leave.", I explained to him.

"I'm not leaving, if I wanted to leave I would have done it a long time ago.", Carlo said coming over to me. "Just give me a chance to show you."

I looked up at him, he put his hands on my arms. He had a face of purity, like what he was saying was the truth and  nothing but the truth.

"No.", I said backing away from him slowly. "You don't need someone like me to hold you back. You have so much ahead of you, no need for a problematic girl", I said forcing a smile.

He looked at me, with a confused look on his face.

"You are so blind.", He said looking surprised.

"My vision is fine. Thanks for the concern, I'll visit my eye doctor just to please you.", she said smiling trying to avoid this conversation.

"Stop.", Carlo said coming over to me and pushing my cheeks together. "I'm being dead serious."

"Yeah. Totally.", I muffled out. I grabbed his hands and took them off my cheeks. "So mature."

"Its just you don't see that I like you. I genuinely like you!", Carlo said emphasizing the last part to me.

This feels like a bucket of cold water. Like if the north pole came to visit me, if Santa came and said "came to drop off your sugar daddy." But I didn't want a sugar daddy that was going to leave and go on tour and leave me here. Like a dog.

"You see that's where its going to go to shit.", I said looking at him straight in the eyeball. Right in the retina. "IF I where to like you back. It would not work, you see, you would leave. I would stay god knows where then you would come visit me once in a while like a dog with no owner. As a matter of a fact I don't want an owner. I don't want to depend on anyone. I just want to to leave Germany or this city and go somewhere else. Berlin can go fuck itself, Stuttgart well I haven't been here long enough to even tell it to go fuck itself. But how about you go fuck yourself with your feelings."

I didn't even know what I just said, I babbled for what felt like an eternity. I just had vomit of the mouth.

"Du need to shut up.", Carlo said and hoisted me up. Making me wrap my legs around his waist he threw me on the bed and I bounced like the skinny girl I am. I hit my head on the head board.

"Real fucking smooth!", I said holding onto my head. I moved my hand from my head and whoop there it is. "I'm bleeding!"

"Oh gott!", I heard Carlo say along with many many other cuss words. "I'm so sorry!", he said coming over to me and holding my head but I shoved him away. "First aid kit.…", he muttered and then went into the bathroom and came in with the kit.

"Its just a little cut.", I said touching my cut and then looking at the blood. Ew. Carlo started to Dab alcohol on through my hair and then he wrapped a bandage around it. I think a little bit of cream to stop the bleeding would have been fine. But I look like a mummy. "This must be how you ask girls out."

He gave me a look of 'don't patronize me'.

"It was an accident, I was supposed to get you on the bed. Gracefully,", I snickered. "Then, I was going to kiss you until you gave up. Then you where going to say yes to being my girlfriend because my charms are contagious."

"That is so horrible.", I laughed at him. "You threw me like a rag doll!", I exclaimed. "But either way I'm not that easy. You would have to do so much more then I would still reject you."

"How mean.", Carlo said putting his hands on my thighs. "But I doubt it."

I shooed him away.

"That's not fair. You can't sexually frustrate me and then expect me to say 'Yes Carlo. I will fall at your feet.'. Not gonna happen.", I said smiling at him.

"Nein! But believe me sooner or later.", Carlo said getting all giddy and excited. "I will bet on it."

"Bet on it my ass.", I remarked

"Your ass, Lips, or tits. Doesn't matter what Is in the bet.", Carlo said reaching to my waist now.

"Oh my god.", I paused. "A thousand dollars says I won't fall for your shit.", I said betting money I barley had.

"Nein, not money. How about, you move in with me if I get you to go out with me.", Carlo said looking at me with a serious face. I thought he was kidding.

"No.", I said being serious now. "I'm not a bet. So fuck off with that idea. If you ever want to get me or even think about it, do it the right way. Not seducing me.", I said getting up and going into the restroom slamming the door. God my head fucking hurts.

"Get out of my head.", I whispered to myself. He's going to ruin me. He will take me down with him, but if he takes me down I'll probably be up. This is where we are.
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A/N: No clue what I am doing. But here you go. Tell me what you think! comment :)

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