17. Pressure

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When Bruno texted me in the morning, saying that when he got home the whole house was trashed. All of the house was gone. The TV screen was shattered into pieces, my room, the windows. Broken. Everything we worked hard for to make it "warm", it was all put to shit. I knew who it was and Bruno knew also, due to the fact that I told him.

Bruno filed a police report and I didn't tell him all the details about me and Matty just that we had a "Arguement" and that I decided it was better if we didn't see each other anymore. I wasn't about to put my friends life in risk. In a week he would be coming to Stuttgart into this house. I don't know whether I should be happy that I get to have my best friend close to me or that Matty might be going to jail. Probably both.

All the "Gang" as they call each other was going to come here in a week, since they have to go a concert on Saturday which would be the 6th for the "A-Rock-Night", for Madcon along with other Artists. A week to get my shit sorted out then Two months too find somewhere to go to before they go on tour. I thought they where done Touring. But that was just the "Redbull Tag am see mit Cro" Concert and some other gigs here and there. But this one is Chimperators, the Mello Tour. They would be touring Fifteen cities in Germany. Ending the tour here in Stuttgart.

"Clara, I think we should get up.", Carlo said from behind me. I was laying down in bed on my side, with my back facing him. He had his arm around my waist. "It's morning and we've been like this since 12 and its 3 in the afternoon."

I groaned at him. He pushed me closer to him and I got away from him before things got to up close and personal. I didn't have time for all of that. I Shrugged him off, standing up on my two feet. I had a wedgie and I didn't feel like taking it out infront of him.  The guy was letting me stay in his house and I don't want to ruin his eyesight.

I got up and went to the restroom, well I was hoping it was the restroom. Since I just barged in there. It was clean and white, looked sanitized. I took a look in the mirror, bags under my eyes. LouVuitton bags, thats how bad they where. The more expensive the bag gets the uglier my bags looked. I took my wedgie out, opened the faucet. Splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror again. Nope those bags are still there, more alive then ever. I shut the faucet and turned off the light. Opening the door again, he was the one telling me to get up but then again he was still in bed.

"So...", I said standing there like an awkward duck.

"Relax, no one is here.", Carlo said getting off of bed. Sweet jesus he had no shirt on or shorts. Just his boxers. For someone who just had the worse night of their life, this is rewarding. He came over to me and scooped me up putting me on his shoulder. "Shower!", He screamed and headed towards the restroom.

"Put me down!", I said, I tried to stop him from entering the bathroom with my leg but it just ended colliding with the wall and still managed to enter the restroom. My bony legs didn't help at all. He turned on the shower on with one hand and we went in there fully clothed. He finally put me down and shut the shower door.

"If your aren't going to smile one way, might as well do it some other way.", Carlo said moving his hair out of his forhead. The water was falling on his face, he had a lot of stubble now. My face must have been soaking wet, my long brown hair was probably all over my face. He was just there staring at me. Then he does the most un thinkable thing ever. He takes his boxers off, at that point. I just close my eyes shut. I've had sex with him, but in the dark! Not in the daylight. This wasn't even an option. "We aren't going to do anything, nothing you wouldn't want to do Clara.", He said putting his hands on my face and moving the strands of hair out of my face. "Relax.", he says so close to my ear. I can feel his hands roam towards the end of my shirt, hes taking it off. I put my hands up to make it easier, I still haven't plucked up the courage to open my eyes. Then I hear the wet sound of my shirt hitting the floor in the shower. I felt his hands on my back, he was reaching towards my bra strap, I shivered a little, making my back arch. He unstrapped it, I felt so insecure like if this as if the whole world was looking at me. So self conscious because the one guy here in Germany, that I genuinely like is undressing me. Nice and slow as if I was someone special to him. He wasn't forcing me to do anything I didn't want. He was being a gentleman but a rather perverted gentleman. "Stop thinking, just let go." He said softly, his hands where on my hips now. He grabbed the band of my underwear pushing it down. His hands where tortoreous but just enough. My underwear hit the floor, with a little splash. I stepped out of them. I was left there with nothing. "Open your eyes.", Carlo said putting his hands on my cheeks, he traced my eyebrows then his thumbs landed on my Cheekbones. I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw where his beautiful brown eyes. His hair was soaking wet his smile was beautiful.

"This isn't happening.", I say under my breathe. "I wasn't supposed to get this close to you."

"That's to bad, you did.", Carlo says not taking his hands off my cheeks and but then putting them on my waist. "Turn around.", He said, sounding rather perverted. "I'm not going to do anything.", he said reassuring me. I turned around and he started to clean my body with soap. His hands where roaming everywhere. Then he was putting shampoo on my hair, he was giving me the best massage of my life on my scalp. This beat sex. He moved away letting the water hit me, the shampoo washing off. Eyes closed but I could hear Carlo grabbing the shampoo bottle, this time he was shampooing his hair I bet. I let my fingers run through my hair untangling it. When I got all the shampoo off I opened my eyes. Carlo was staring, not the good staring the desire stare. I stepped over to him and opened the shower door and just exited. I wasn't about to risk any of this. I mean what kind of Friend takes a shower with another friend. A good friend. No labels because we aren't shit.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it and dried my hair a little then wrapped it around my body. I got out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Going over to my suitcase and opening it. I put on some ripped shorts and a maroon v-neck shirt. I put on my Vans, which I haven't worn in long time. One reason was that work didn't allow Vans wasn't professional. Second Matty said, I didn't need to look like I didn't own any other pairs of shoes.

I heard the shower water stop running then a few seconds later he came out. With a towel around his waist, showing his abs. I looked away and organized my suitcase or at least acting like I was doing something while Carlo was changing when I saw that he was no longer shirtless, I put the suitcase away.

"Do you plan on hiding forever?", Carlo asked me breaking the silence.

"Just until the police catches him.", I said looking over to him. His hair was damp and it was combed back by his fingers. He was wearing a tank top and some Capri's. He had chest hair, dark chest hair. But not enough to call him a werewolf.

"No I mean do you plan on hiding from me all the time, hiding your feelings.", He said making me cringe at the thought of their even being an 'Us'.

"Stop, you know I can't.", I answered back to him, not wanting to give him a clear answer.

"You can't what? Admit something. You aren't blind and you are not stupid. So why do you want to hide?", He asked me.

Theirs these kind of confrontations I want to ignore. I don't want anything to do with things like these they are to much in detail and that means you have to get attached to someone. Getting attached means leaving. I don't want to leave him.
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A/N: Okay so I know I haven't updated in a long time but that's because I'm in school. But I will do my best to update. Danke! Tell me what you think. This is longer than the other ones Btw.

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