21. Salt Skin

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It was Wednesday, I'm laying here in bed with Carlo. He's dead asleep because its the middle of the night. I can't go to sleep, It gets harder and Harder for me to sleep. If I sleep by myself I won't even be able to sleep.

The ceiling was white like the rest of the room. They where white walls. I checked the time on my phone it was 3 in the morning. Which meant it was night time back in Seattle. Eight in the night to be exact.

I haven't talked to my mom in a whole month. She hasn't called me because she's always busy or I'm always busy. I know she would be awake at this time, if I where to explain to her everything that happened she would tell me to go back to Seattle. But I just want to hear a familiar voice.

I got out of bed really quietly, grabbing my phone and going downstairs to the living room. I opened the front door and quietly closed it. I sat down on the concrete, I looked for my moms number and touched it.

It was ringing, ringing for years.

"Clara?", I heard my moms voice say surprised.

"Hey Mom.", I smiled at the sound of her voice.

"What a surprise, I was just about to take out the trash when my but started vibrating.", She said and laughed.

I chuckled.

"Just wanted to hear your lovely voice.", I said.

"Bullshit, I raised you.", she said and laughed. "Please I came up with kissing ass in this house."

"I'm actually being serious mother.", I said trying to sound sarcastic.

"Mhm.", she paused. "So how is Berlin? Did you get the Job at the law firm."

The thought of that shit hole made me shiver.

Here come the lies.

"Yeah I did but then I got into a fight with one of the Lawyers because he would be on my ass all the time. If I did something wrong he would start patronizing me in front of everyone.", I said trying to sound convincing. "You always told me to not take shit from people."

"That is true honey.", My mom said probably nodding her head.

"Yeah so I decided to move, I came with Bruno. To Stuttgart, he said that he would get me a job with him."

"I wish you would have told me about this.", She said sounding a bit disappointed because I don't tell her anything anymore. "But what can I do? My little girl is half way around the world."

Guilt trip.

"Come on mom, I'll go visit soon. As soon as I settle down here.", I said.

"You better honey, now I have to go because your dad is burning the steak.", She said laughing. "Robert! Flip the steak.", she said to my dad almost yelling at him. "Okay honey, I love you and call more often."

"Love you too, Goodnight mom.", I said and hung up the phone.

I am so pathetic. I can't let her know that this happened, she would kill me. Not me him.

I got up from the stairs and went back inside. I closed the door quietly but this door is so rusty. One small squeak was all it made.

I went up the stairs again and went into the room again. Carlo was spread out on the bed, his hand was spread out by my bed side. The covers where no longer on him. His boxers where showing and his soft brown hair was now ruffled. I grabbed his hand and put it on his side. I laid down in bed next to him.

It felt like I had been sleeping in his bed for ages now. Sleep was no longer an option.

"Where did you go?", Carlo said making me flinch. I turned around facing him.

"I called my mom.", I said looking at him. He didn't even bother opening his crusty eyes, he kept them closed.

"Mmm.", Carlo mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist. My body stiffened at the feeling of his hand around me. He dragged me closer to him. I relaxed under his touch after a while, I didn't sleep the whole night. I just thought. I thought of everything.

I shouldn't resent anyone. If I'm here its because I somehow managed to do twist my life into this. I didn't ask to get sucked into this but I shouldn't resent anyone. Especially not the man who is helping me.

When it was morning I had managed to shut my eyes for about an hour.

But then Carlo woke me up telling me that it was morning and that if I wanted to go somewhere with him.

Going somewhere with him felt like going somewhere with my crush. That hot guy in school who is just pantie dropping. That's Carlo, he's persuading.

"Actually, I'm going to take you somewhere.", Carlo said changing his mind. I didn't even know what the other option was.

"What was the first place we where going to go?", I asked him slowly getting half of my body up so my back was resting on the head board. Carlo was already leaning on the headboard and looking at my hundred year old ancient artifact that they call a face.

"First choice was a Cafe I love.", Carlo said scrunching up his face. "But then I thought why not take you somewhere memorable."

"And where is that?", I asked him putting a brave face on. So he could answer me with a straight answer.

"You will see.", Carlo said smiling. "But their isn't rush.", he said grabbing my waist and pulling me down with him. My hands where on his chest, his hands around my waist. We laid down like this for a while. "Can you at least try?", he asked me making me go stiff.

"Its not that I don't want to try.", I said in a hushed voice. "Its that I don't know if I can.."

"I'll help you.", Carlo said grabbing onto my waist even more, his fingers weren't on top of my shirt anymore. They where on my skin, my flesh. They felt so right there. His brown eyes looking at my green eyes, his jaw was more defined now since he shaved. I could feel his eyes roam from my eyes, then to my lips.

"No.", I smiled at him. I put my hand on his mouth and the little shit licked it. "Ew Carlo.", I said and whipped my hand on his chest.

"Games now?", Carlo said his eyebrows moving up and down.

"No!", I said, I was already looking at my exits. Theirs windows, one above the bed. But I would be like Lil Kim's career, dead.

I lunged for the door but was way to slow because Carlos grip on my waist tightened and he got on top of me.

"Jaaa!", Carlo said and took my shirt off. "Tsk, tsk.", He said and started running his hands down my stomach. "Are you ticklish?", he asked me smirking.

"No!", I screamed out, I was ticklish. It was to late because he started tickling the side of my stomach making me laugh like a hyena. My face probably looked like Kim Kardashians when she starts crying. "Stop!", I managed to get out. I was panting and I couldn't catch my breath. Carlo stopped and looked at my face.

"Schön.", he said running his thumb over my tears. Happy tears for a change.

"Du.", I said and grabbed his cheeks, our lips meeting. We both needed this release that's been trapped inside of us. I flipped him over, I was now on top. I kissed him, with so much hunger. I let him in, his tongue making it get more sensual. His hands where on my waist gripping on. We started to shift, with clothes on, I was grinding on him. Before it got to the point where we lost control, we parted, left panting. Our eyes burning holes into each other.

"Clara, we should stop, before I lose the self control I barley have.", Carlo blurted out. I knew what he was talking about because these clothes where thin.

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A/N: Tell me what you think. Leave me some comments. They give me life.

Warm Water // Croحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن