Chapter 35: Dragons

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"It simply isn't an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons."
                                  -J. R. R. Tolkien

Jungkooks heart thrummed loudly in his chest as he stared into his opponents eyes, his hands were shaking in anticipation, and his feet were placed firmly on the ground.

Jungkook held his sword tightly, hands tightening around the hilt.

The two men stood in a tense silence, neither one of them tearing their eyes away for even a split second.

His opponent suddenly moved, swiping his sword in Jungkooks direction. The golden prince stepped back, narrowly avoiding the blade and sending his own swipe to his opponent.

The man moved out of the way, bringing his sword down to clash with Jungkook's, causing a loud "cling" to fill the air.

Jungkook advances towards him, sending blow after blow to his opponent, but his sword was continuously blocked by the other man's shield.

Jungkook breathed heavily, his chest heaving beneath his fleece shirt as he raised his sword once again.

He was distracted. His mind continuously going back to yesterday and the events that took place. He couldn't get the sight of Hoseok's lips against your out of his mind. It replayed over and over again until he was too angry to even try and think about anything else.

He loved you.

He needed you.

But clearly you didn't love him back. And that made him angry.

Very angry.

He moved faster than last time, striking his opponent and dodging his blows as Hoseok's words replayed in his mind.

"I love you. So so much."

Jungkook released a low growl of frustration and sent an even harder blow to his opponent, sending him falling into the dirt of the training area, his sword escaping his grasp.

Normally, the match would end there, when one of the two men were disarmed.

But Jungkook was to angry to care.

"Get up." He growled to the young man he had been sparing with. "Again."

The young man, swallowed hard.

"Th-the match is over your highness, you've won-"

Jungkook didn't allow him to finish his sentence, his hand wrapping around the boy's shirt collar and pulling him from the ground.

"I said," He started lowly. "Again."

The young man opened his mouth, words falling in the tip of his tongue before he was interrupted.

"Brother, leave the young boy alone."

Jungkooks golden eyes shot over to meet Jimin's, his silver hair shining underneath the light of the autumn sun as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Jungkook sneered at his brother.

"Mind your business Jimin. I'm training."

The silver haired prince released a sigh, his hand moving to take through his hair as he approached his brother.

"Jungkook, it's easy to tell that you are still upset from yesterday. Taking out your anger on someone else isn't going to help anything."

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