We need to find error & ink

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Nightmares POV
How in the world did Killer know Error and ink are in trouble? And how in the multiverse did he know that destiny was here?! My thoughts were racing o couldn't comprehend how the hell killer knew that ink and Error were in trouble!

Killers POV
I know I know you guys probably think I'm a freak but I got this vibe and soon after I got this vibe I had gotten this vision and in that vision I saw ink and error...I-I don't want to talk about it. I told everyone we had to search and we all went to work....

-6 hours later-

Horror's POV
WHERE ARE THEY?! They have been gone for 6 hours! Error said he would meet up with his brother and hang out but he said he would only be gone for only 2 hours! I started to panic I felt light headed I wanted to throw up I wanted to scream! What if Error hurts himself or tries something like last time..what if they both went to...no no No NO! I can't lose Error he's like family to me! He took care of my and my brother when we needed food or clothes! He was always there for us for me he never judged me like the other sans had he understood me and took care of me I-i can't lose him! He was there to support me and care for me even before nightmare and the gang had but we always kept it a secret since Error didn't want me getting hurt. I can't lose my best friend he's like a brother to me! Please PLEASE be ok!

Crosses POV
I couldn't stop shaking, I felt sick to my stomach, I was sweating and I wanted to cry I wanted to scream to run I wanted all of this to stop! We had been looking for Error for more then 4 hours and we haven't found a thing! I'm scared he's hurt or worse I don't want to lose him he helped me when my AU decoded, when it self destructed..he helped me and took care of me and helped me stay sane he would invite me to the anti-void where we would talk and go to other aus sometimes he would let me stay in the AU once all the habitats were...gone. He would let me fantasize that the AU was my home and he would let me enjoy it..he helped me feel normal. We've been close for years but we've always decided to disclose anyone else from knowing since we..had trust issues while I got better with my trust issues Error only got worse..Then Error one day let me go he told me to go to nightmare and join his gang since I would be better there than with him..he had disclosed himself from me from everyone..I argued but in the end I lost and left to nightmare and joined his gang..Error was right...nightmare was going to help me but he was wrong in one part...I will ALWAYS need Error by my side...because he's not a friend not my best friend but a brother to me...

Dust POV
I-I can't....I won't....I don't...I just.....I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! I don't want to go insane again! I don't want to lose my mind! I don't want to be a psychopath! I don't want to be crazy! I..can't lose Error...he helped me gain what I lost....he helped me gain my sanity my trust and my hopes and dreams...he gave me all of that back! I-I don't want to lose it and I don't want to lose my best friend..I can't I don't want to be a maniac anymore...

Narrators POV
As they all panicked inside worrying,thinking,feeling the worst, Error and ink were in the anti-void panicking as well all the groups could do was panick they worried for the future thought the worst of the situations and felt the worst feelings anyone could ever feel sadness, nervous, anxious,fear,anger and worried...they didn't want to lose their friends neither Error and ink and nightmare and his gang, they all wanted their friends to be safe and away from harm, they wanted there friends to be happy have dreams and hopes but no one knew the cost to all of this no one knew that there was a price to pay for everyone to be happy no one knew the amount of sacrifice it was going to take no one knew but one person no one but one person knew there had to be a sacrifice and no one but one person was ready to be sacrificed


No one but one person knew HE wasn't going to back home......


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