Chapter 16: Moving on

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Sometimes, as part of taking care of ourselves, there becomes a time when we have to end certain relationship. Endings and changes in relationships are not easy, but often times they are necessary. Breaking up is hard to do, but moving on is an absolute must. Seeing through a veil of emotional pain and hurt can be difficult while the mind is foggy, but looking back won't help matters. If you feel stuck in your present situation, you may need a gentle nudge to push you forward. After the end of a relationship you may feel you are to blame, but beating yourself up over past mistakes will only make you feel worse. The relationship failed; you did not. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would with a friend. While the little voice inside your head continually chides you, drown it out by admitting that you are not at fault and you did not fail. While you may still feel sad about the end of the relationship, believe you are moving on, whether this is true or not. Each time a thought of your ex enters your mind, whisk it away and tell yourself, "I'm moving on."
If you should run into your ex, forget about trying to make them jealous by flirting in their presence or flaunting a new prospect. Instead say hello, smile and show them that you are moving on with your life. Eventually you will believe it and know that you have done just that. Before I could move on from one of my previous relationship, everyday I would have thoughts of her in my head same way. Every where I go on my social media, I see her presence there like she was haunting me to see her, or I should feel sorry for myself for what happened, or so I thought; I realized that she wasn't the problem cause she have moved on long time. I was the one in hesitation to move on. I allowed myself to be trapped to her simply because I wasn't ready to move on. It took me weeks after that before I could really get over her completely. Sometimes we let our emotions poison our mind and put us into a state of great Immurement that we often time don't get out of easily. Do not be left feeling impoverished to love. In the midst of your woeful state, you may feel hopeless about finding love again, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you are open to loving and being loved, it will indeed come your way.

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