Chapter 25: Personal Growth and Development

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Growth by nature is an evolving process. It is not something static that we can 'master' once and for all, yet this is an illusion so often perpetuated by the self-help industry. Life is constantly changing, constantly evolving; so we need to learn how to 'witness' this change, to move skilfully with it, rather be 'subjected' to the roller-coaster ride that change can sometimes bring about. When we think about self development, we often get the idea of just improving ones actions and ability to do things. It is way more than just upgrading ourselves in a tangible way. Personal Growth and Development is the improving of our minds in a more mature way. That means incorporating a more fundamental aspect of the way you used to see things. People want to grow and develop themselves because they are unsatisfied with their life and the direction it is heading. To change its course and create a satisfying life, undergoing the personal growth and development process is essential. Once this process is underway the results are endless. You will find meaning and purpose in yourself that was absent before. Life goals will become possible. You will use your full potential to benefit yourself and others. New skills and talents will be discovered. Old relationships will be strengthened and new ones will be easily formed. All of which will give you a boost in your self-image and self-confidence. One of the major key to personal growth and development is knowing yourself. Always remember to be yourself, and to focus on yourself and what you want. In a world that expects us to conform and fit in it is sometimes hard to just be ourselves, but it is better to avoid conforming to other people's standards, expectations and ideals because often they are not realistic and aspiring to these can make us miserable. It is better not to care what people think of us because we will be judged regardless, so remember, be the best version of yourself, not someone else's copy. Remember: "It is better to be hated for who you are, than it is to be loved for something you are not."

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