9. Eve

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They were back, I had heard a car come back along the estate road in the early hours of the morning and I knew it was them, I hadn't slept well whilst I knew they were away but as soon as I heard the car, my body relaxed and deep sleep claimed me.
My phone ringing woke me and I hit answer still half awake, only to wish I had ignored it as my mothers voice demanded a reply.
"Hello, hello, Eve are you there, hello?"
I glanced at the clock 6am.
"Good morning mother, what can I do for you" I greeted.
"Eve, I have two estate agents coming in to value the house today and a photographer, I need you to be there to deal with them for me, and obviously make sure the house is clean and presentable" I wince and close my eyes, duty taking over, "yes mother, what time are they due?"
"The agents are due at 10 and the photographer at 11, I think flowers in the halls and dining room would be suitable for the pictures, if you do two displays they can be moved into place for the pictures, choose pastel colours" she directed.
"Yes mother" I agreed, kicking myself for once again giving in without a challenge.
"Good, I will call you later to check it all went well"
"Yes mother" hah, now I sounded like a broken record.
"Goodbye Eve" and she was gone before I could reply again, I lay there listening to the dead line tone in my ear, before groaning and crawling out of bed, I'd need to get a move on if I was going to be ready for 10.
The triplets were all still asleep when I left the house 30 minutes later and I left them a brief note before I headed towards town, I would need to be at the florist when they opened to get flowers and get back to the house as quickly as I can.
Luckily my parents had left a car at the house which I had been able to collect to use or I would have had to ask for a lift.
The florist was helpful and quick so it wasn't long before I was turning down the driveway to my parents house, I mused that description in my head and realised it was my parents house, not mine, not a home, for me that had for years been at the Rose's. I wished I had asked one of the girls to come with me as I faced the cold stone building ahead and shivered.
Knock knock
Emme answered the door and grinned seeing her older brothers all stood there "perfect timing brothers, you have a damsel to rescue"
The brothers looked at each other "where is she?" Gabe asked.
"Her parents house, she's on her own dealing with estate agents and the photographer and whatever else her parents have told her to do, she left us at note when she left at 6.30 this morning" Emme explained to them.
Angelo looked at his watch it was 9.30 now she had been out for hours "thanks Emme, lets go"
Emme watched her brothers head for their car and felt the presence of her sisters behind her. "They've gone after her?" Charlie queried.
"Yes, lets hope they don't screw up" Emme confirmed.
"Do you think they read it?"
"I know Lo found it and I'd bet money he shared it with them, that's why they didn't unpack the car" Charlie laughed.
"Did we do wrong" Jo worried looking at her sisters and they all fidgeted.
"Maybe just a little but they've all waited long enough" Emme said, closing the door.
"I reckon a month" Jo mused.
"I bet two weeks max" Emma countered.
"I'll take three weeks, what's the winner get?" Charlie replied.
"Closest is Made of Honour, are we agreed?" Emme offers and we all nod.
I had just placed the vase of flowers in the hallway when the doorbell chimed, straightening I opened the door to welcome the two estate agents my mother had organised, neither looked too happy about the other being there and I wished mother had organised two separate appointments for them even if it did cut into my time.
"Good morning, please come in" I smiled a polite welcome.
I had been through the house and ensured all the rooms were tidy and clean, my parents were still paying for a cleaning lady and gardener to come in once a week, so I had little to alter and knew there was nothing personal on display, was I supposed to let them roam or to stay with them?
I showed them into the sunroom offering them a seat, which they took and refreshments, which were declined and wondered how I did this, jumping slightly as the doorbell chimed again "excuse me" I left them there and retraced my steps to the door, my heart racing as I opened it to find my angels stood there.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I croaked blushing red and gripping the door.
Gabe smiled "let us in Eve, we are here to help you"
"But..how?" I muttered looking down in embarrassment.
Lo stepped forward and pushed the door open, taking my hand in his and he moved me back to let them all in.
"Who is here?" Gabe asked his finger under my chin, lifting my head.
"The two estate agents, I've left them in the sun room"
"Lead the way" Lo instructed softly and they followed me back to the room.
I watched as Michael introduced them and listened as they took charge, saying nothing till Gabe had taken one agent upstairs and Mike had led the other outside.
"What just happened?"
Lo pushed me gently into a seat "is anyone else due?"
"A photographer at 11, mother organised one to do photos for both agents"
"Okay, we can deal with him too" he said pulling a chair close and sitting down, his body facing mine as he watched me.
"How are you?" He asked, reach for my hand and stroking his thumb over my pulse point, his closeness turning my brain to mush.
"I'm okay" I whisper, not trusting my voice.
"Good, because I'm giving you notice of our intentions, we are going to be around a lot now, we will help you deal with this house and we will spend time getting to know you and you us, your times up baby and we're ready to claim you"
I shivered at his words, blushing and my heart and mind racing at what he said "but I'm your sisters friend?"
His finger brushed my hair back and his hand cupped my cheek "you are more than that to us, and now your done with uni, we are done waiting, we've waited long enough"
The chime of the doorbell breaks the moment and he pulls back to look at me, "stay here baby, I'll get it" and leaves me sitting watching him go and wondering if I had fallen asleep and was dreaming.

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now