Chapter 2

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Two months later

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Two months later

When I opened the door to the apartment Carter picked out, and thankfully Stark was paying for, I was almost tackled to the ground. "Woah Carter, it's not like we see each other everyday." She giggled and let go of me. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I'm excited, ok." My aunt and uncle still live in Albany and are super happy for Carter and I. They only let us come because they trust Stark. I find that surprising because of all of the stupid shit he's done, but hey, whatever floats their boats. Carter and I thought it would be a good idea to walk around Queens while there aren't as many people, but we forgot so we're going when it's night. Probably not a good idea on our part but oh well. "I love that they put us in the same classes Parker. Now we can finally do our English home-" She stopped talking when we heard a loud noise and saw a blue light in an alley. "Parker?" I nodded, still looking towards the alley. "Yeah, Carter?" She turned towards me. "Go do your thing."

I handed her my stuff and told her to get to the apartment. I took my sweatshirt off and burned it because I had my suit on under it. I tapped behind my ear and my mask covered my face. I ran in front of the building next to the alley and peeked around the corner. I saw three men trying to cut a brick building with some large machine with a blue laser. I teleported myself behind the men and they didn't notice me. "You guys do know that the jewelry store is open, right?" One guy pointed a gun at me and another guy walked up next to him. "Look little girl, how about you just go home and not tell anyone about this. Ok?" I acted like I was thinking and the final guy finished cutting through the wall. "Last time I checked, being 5'7'' wasn't little." I shot fire at the weird wall cutting thing and it disintegrated. I burned the first guy's gun and kicked each guy backwards. They hit the brick wall and got knocked out.

I hit the jewelry store alarm that was outside the building and teleported to the apartment when I heard the police siren. I tapped behind my ear to make my mask disappear and walked into the living room to see Carter pacing. "Hey, Carter?" She turned around and relief washed across her face. "Do you want to order pizza? I'm starving." She nodded and quietly laughed. "Yeah, let's order some pizza."

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