Chapter 19

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The sound of my annoying ringtone woke me up in the middle of the night and I heard the neighbor next door groan in, which I'm pretty sure was, annoyance

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The sound of my annoying ringtone woke me up in the middle of the night and I heard the neighbor next door groan in, which I'm pretty sure was, annoyance. I'm not completely sure through, the dudes kinda weird. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to see who it was. I pressed accept but before I could say anything, a voice spoke first. "Parker, are you home?" I turned to look at my clock. "Peter, it's three in the morning. This better be important." I pushed my hair out of my face and heard him sigh. "Parker. Are you home?" I heard him wince. "Yes, I'm home. Are you ok-" He hung up and I went to turn on the light. My bedroom window opened and Peter fell onto my floor. "Are you ok- Oh my god, Peter what's on you?" I ran over to him and rolled him over, causing him to groan in pain. He was covered in blood and what looked like purple paint. "Peter, can you move without being in extreme pain?" He groaned. "I'm taking that as a no."

I teleported him to my bathroom and grabbed a wet washcloth. I pressed the spider on his suit and it loosened around him. I pulled down the top of the suit and as gentle as I could, I started to wipe away the blood and purple stuff. He grabbed onto my arm and squeezed in pain. Everytime I would clean a cut, he'd squeeze my arm more causing me to apologize. Once I was done, his super healing kicked in and he sat up. I grabbed the backpack he left with extra clothes and brought it into the bathroom. He took the bag and I went back into my room. I closed my window so another bird doesn't fly in, a long story for another time, and sat down on my bed. Peter walked into my room a little while after and laid down next to me. "Peter?" He nodded. "What happened?" He sighed. "I went to stop some guys and one guy cut me with his knife and the other guy threw paint at me. I still don't know where he got the paint." I scolded him. "Peter! I thought we agreed that we'd tell each other if there was something. You're not on your own anymore, you have me." He sighed. "Yeah, I know." We eventually fell asleep because when I woke up, it was 8:30 and there was no sign of Peter. I grabbed my phone to check it and saw a text from Peter.

Peter: Thanks for helping me out :)

I smiled and put my phone back. I walked into the living room and saw Carter on the couch. "Morning, Parker." I waved and went into the kitchen. "Hey, Parker?" I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. "Yeah?" I grabbed the cereal and poured it into a bowl. "Why are your hands purple?" I froze. "That's a very good question. It also has a very strange answer." She Pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh god, it's one of those?" I smiled sheepishly and finished making my cereal. "Yeah, it's one of those. I would recommend sitting down."            

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