Chapter 24

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"Are you sure we need this much glitter?" Carter whipped her head around and looked at Peter surprised

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"Are you sure we need this much glitter?" Carter whipped her head around and looked at Peter surprised. "It's New Year's Eve, we need MORE glitter." I laughed and Peter looked at Ned confused. "Come on Peter, embrace the New Year spirit." Ned started laughing and Peter looked at me confused. "I'm so confused. Like, are you two alright?" I grabbed some more tinsel and shrugged. "I think we're good. I mean we've been through some stuff but we're somewhat ok." I slowly flew to the top of the wall and placed the tinsel on the hooks. "Are you sure you should be doing that Parker? You know that a ladder will do the same thing right?" Carter handed me more tinsel. "Yeah but this is like the same thing and it's less dangerous for her." I pointed at Carter. "That is true. And this is more fun." My bracelet started to go off and Carter groaned. "Everytime we try to have a good time, someone goes and ruins it." I landed and patted Carter on the shoulder. "It's not my fault crime doesn't take holidays off." I turned towards the boys. "I'll be back before dinner."

"You stay here. I'll go take care of it." I scanned Peter's face for any sign of him joking or anything. "You sure?" He nodded. "Yeah, and I'll be back before dinner." I laughed and Peter smiled. "Well, don't just stand there. Get going." He ran off and I sat down next to Carter on the couch. The next couple of hours consisted of eating, talking, me third-wheeling, and some more eating. It was around 11:50 when Carter and Ned fell asleep, and there was no sign of Peter. I was about to go out to look for him when I heard someone fall into my room. I got off the couch and knocked on my door. "Peter, is that you?" I heard something, or someone, fall. "Yeah, it's me." I sighed. "Ok." The door opened and Peter stumbled towards me. "Woah. You ok, Peter?" He quickly got up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy that's all." I sighed and wiped the blood away on his head. "Maybe you're dizzy because you have a cut on your head." He shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not." I playfully rolled my eyes and walked into the living room. "You're not my favorite person today." He laughed. "I'm not your favorite person anyday."

"Wow, they're asleep?" I laughed. "Yeah, but not for long." He looked at me confused as I ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a metal pot lid and ran into the living room. Peter looked at the lid then back at me even more confused. I counted to three and dropped the lid on the floor, making a loud bang that I knew would wake them up. Ned jumped up scared while Carter sat up and glared at me. "We got two minutes till midnight! You gotta wake up!" Carter hit my arm and grabbed the lid off the ground. She put it away and I started to laugh. Peter looked at Ned's expression and started to laugh. "Why do I feel like I'm never going to be able to sleep around Parker ever?" Carter came back in and laughed. "I've been living with her for ten years and I still have never been able to sleep." I nodded. "That is true."

"11, 10, 9, 8..." We turned towards the tv and counted down. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I high-fived the boys and hugged Carter. "We made it through the year alive. Let's do it again!" We all laughed and started the year with our new family.

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