Chapter 22

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Peter's Pov

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Peter's Pov

"Peter, be careful." I turned towards Parker. "I'm going to be fine. Calm down, it's not that big of a jump." She rolled her eyes and looked down the side of the building. "If you die, May's going to kill you." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know, but I won't so I'm fine." She sighed. "Now stand back and watch this!" She stood back and I pulled my mask on. I started running and jumped off the building. I went to shoot a web but my web shooter got jammed. I tried my other one but it was jammed too. I closed my eyes expecting to hit the ground, instead I felt my feet land on the ground. I opened my eyes and looked around to see the top of the building. "Peter, you ready?" I turned around and saw Parker standing at the edge of the building. "Parker, what are you do-" She jumped off and I ran to the side of the building only to see her still falling. I jumped down after her and shot a web at her but it missed. I shot many more at her but they all missed. She hit the ground before I could shoot another web and I landed next to her. I knelt next to her and shook her slightly. "Parker? Parker, you gotta wake up. Come on, Parker!" Nothing. There was no movement. "Karen, call Happy."

"What do you want, Peter?" Parker's mask disappeared. "Parker fell and she's not waking up." Karen ran a scan and told me that there was a pulse. "She's alive but she's not waking up." I heard Happy take a deep breath. "I'm on my way. Keep her alive." He hung up and Parker's suit went back into it's bracelet form. I went to touch her but pulled my hand back when it almost got burned. Happy came in a Stark Industries jet after a little while and a bunch of doctors came out with a stretcher. They took her onto the jet and I went to go in with her but got cut off by Happy. "Stay here, kid. We're going to take care of her." I pulled my mask off. "No, I'm going to go with her. I need to know she'll be ok." Happy sighed and let me onto the jet. As soon as we landed upstate, the doctors took Parker away. I went to follow her but Happy pulled me another way. When we stopped walking, there was a window that looked into a room. I saw Parker get placed on a hospital table and the doctors surrounded her, trying to wake up.

After many hours of waiting outside the room and there being no progress, I started to give up. I sat down in a chair and placed my head in my hands. "It's going to be ok, Peter. She'll be ok, she always is." I nodded and the door opened revealing one of the doctors. "We have some news." I sat up straighter in the chair. "What is it?" The doctor looked down. "Parker, uh, flatlined. We did everything we could to bring her back but nothing really worked. I'm sorry." I leaned back in the chair. Parker's dead? No, she couldn't be. I got up and walked into the room she was in. I heard Happy call my name but I didn't turn around, I needed to see her. I slowly walked over to her body and I sat down in the chair next to the bed. "No. no, no, no, Parker. This can't be happening!" I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Come on, Parker. Stop this joke. It's not funny." Nothing. There was no movement. She was really gone. I looked down and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Ouch." I looked up and saw Parker rub her eyes. "Oh my god, you're still alive!" She smiled. "Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me." I was speechless. "What-huh-how?" She sat up and looked at me confused.

"What do you mean, how?" I let go of her hand. "You died. The doctors tried to save you but nothing worked." She looked down at her hands that were in her lap. "I died?" I nodded. "Happy, he didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it." I looked down. "Well, let's go say hello to everyone." She got out of the bed and patted my shoulder. "Seems like I gotta tell people I'm alive." I opened the door and was greeted by Happy. "Peter?" I looked down and Parker stepped out from behind me. "Surprise! I'm back from the dead! Isn't that exciting?" Happy ran over and pulled Parker into a hug. "I thought you'd be gone forever." He pulled away. "How could you do that to us?" She shrugged. "Dude, I didn't even know I was dead." Happy rolled his eyes and pulled both of us into a hug. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you two." We laughed and Happy let us go. I went to hug Parker when I started to shake. I fell to the ground and heard someone yell my name in the distance. "Peter! Come on, Peter! Wake up!" Everything went black and when I opened my eyes, I saw Parker above me shaking my body. "Parker, stop shaking me." She sighed and let me go. I sat up and waited for Parker to say something but she never did. Instead, she pulled me into a hug.

"Parker, what happened?" She held me tighter and pressed her face into my shoulder. "Parker..." She let me go and wiped away some tears. "Your web shooters got jammed and you fell. You weren't moving or anything. I thought you were dead!" I pulled her into another hug when I saw more tears on her cheeks. "Hey, hey. I'm not dead. But I did have a dream where you died from falling from the building." She pulled away and looked at me confused. "I think we've had enough scares for the day." She laughed and teleported us to her apartment. Her suit went into it's bracelet form and we sat down on her bed. "We've come a long way, you know. I was skeptical about you at the beginning, but you had a reason. And look at us now, we've become so close that we freak out when we think the other's dead." She laughed and I looked down at my lap. "I'll never really mean anything to you." She rested her head on my shoulder and squeezed one of my hands that was in my lap. "Don't you kid yourself, Peter. You always have and always will." I squeezed her hand and she giggled quietly. I looked down at her and smiled. She's here, right next to me, and that's all that matters.            

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