Chapter 18

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A few days later

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A few days later

I decided to walk alone to school today because I'm still a little shaken about putting Liz's dad in jail. I walked to my locker and leaned my head against it. I took a deep breath and opened it so I could get my stuff. I started to walk down the hallway to get to class and saw Peter talking to Liz. Liz walked away and walked past me. I gave her a sympathetic smile and she nodded. I walked over to Peter and we headed towards our classes. At the end of the day, there was a decathlon meeting in the library to figure out who's going to replace Liz on the team. I headed to the library and was about to walk in when my phone went off.

Happy: Come to the football field parking lot

I looked at the message confused but did what he asked. I arrived in the parking lot and saw Happy leaning against his car. "Hey, kid." I waved and Happy walked over to me. "Nice job catching that guy. Tony's proud-" I cut him off. "Happy, why am I here?" He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "I'm here to take you somewhere. But, I need to get someone first." I nodded and he went into the school. I leaned against the side of the car and waited for him to come back. He came back to the parking lot a few minutes later with Peter following him. Peter and I greeted each other and we all got in the car to go where Happy needed to take us. The car ride was quiet until we arrived at the Avengers compound. "Take a look. It's impressive, huh? They just finished remodeling the thing." We nodded and looked at the building in awe. Happy parked the car in front of the building and we walked inside to be greeted by Tony. "How was the ride up?" I shrugged. "Give a minute with the kids." Happy looked at him confused. "Seriously?" Tony nodded. "I gotta talk to the kids."

Peter and I looked at each other confused with the two in front of us and Peter just shrugged. "I'll be close behind." Tony shrugged. "How about a loose follow? Alright? Boundaries are good." Tony stood in between Peter and I and placed a hand on our shoulders. We started to walk down the hall towards a wall and a door. "I'm sorry I took your suit and I'm sorry I yelled at you over the phone. I mean, you guys had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect tough love movement that you guys needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Let's just say it was." Tony sighed. "Mr. Stark, I-" He interrupted Peter. "You screwed the pooch hard, big time. But, then you guys did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies. Not my best analogy. I was right about you. Both of you. I think with a little more mentoring, you two can be a real asset to the team." I looked at him confused. "To the team?" Tony nodded.

"Yes. There's about 50 reporters behind this door, real ones, not bloggers. When you're ready, why don't you try these on." Tony pressed something on his watch and two compartments appeared in the wall. One was a metal Spiderman suit with legs that come out from the back, like a spider themed Iron Man suit. The other was my suit but it was designed better. It looked like it was made from the same stuff as the first suit Peter got from Tony. "And I'll introduce the two newest members of the Avengers: Spiderman and Flames." I was speechless. I never thought I'd ever have this kind of opportunity like ever. "So after the press conference, Happy will show you to your rooms. Where are they, next to Vision? You'll fit right in." Peter and I looked at each other and I made up my mind. "Thank you, Mr. Stark, but I'm good." Tony looked at him confused. "You're good? How are you good?" Peter shrugged. "I'd rather stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. Gotta look out for the little guy, you know?" I placed my hand on Peter's shoulder. "Yeah. There's no Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman without Spiderman. And there is no way I can do everything on my own."

"You two turning me down? Better think about this. Look at that. Look at me. Last chance, yes or no." We looked at each other and shook her head. "No." Tony sighed. "Ok. It's kind of a spring steamy working class hero vibe that I dig. Uh, Happy will take you guys home." Happy nodded. "Yeah. Mind waiting in the car? I need a minute." We nodded. "Thank you Mr. Stark." Tony shook Peter's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Parker." Peter walked away and Tony chuckled. "I'm surprised you said no. This would've been big for you." I shrugged. "Being an Avenger would be great but it's not my thing. Helping the little guys seems to be my thing." He nodded. "Bye Tony." He smiled. "Bye Ashes." I playfully rolled my eyes and ran to catch up with Peter. He smiled when he saw me and we walked to the car. "I'm actually surprised you said no to being an Avenger, Parker. That seemed like something you would like to do." I shrugged. "Can't let you have all the fun in Queens, now can we?" He laughed and we got in the car.

Happy dropped me off at my apartment building and I went inside. "Carter, you home?" There was no response and I went into my room to lay down. Something on my bed flashed in the light and I found a bracelet placed there. I put it on and it started to unfold onto my body. "Woah!" A display screen appeared and someone started talking. "Hello Mrs. Nite, I am your personal A.I created by Tony Stark." I shook my head and chuckled. Tony gave me the suit anyways. I heard a bang outside on my fire escape and went out. I closed the window and saw Peter standing there in his Spiderman suit. "So, he gave you the suit back, huh?" He laughed and nodded. "He gave you the other suit?" I nodded and my mask disappeared. I sat down and Peter sat down next to me after me took off his mask. "So Peter, what do we do now? Act like we don't know each other or-" He cut me off. "How about we become a team? Flames and Spiderman?" I nodded. "I like that."

He quickly got up and looked out at the city. "There's a robbery downtown." He turned around to look at me. "You ready to go, Flames?" I got up and my mask came back. "Ready as I'll ever be, Spiderman." Peter put his mask back on and we jumped off my fire escape, ready to start another Chapter in our superhero lives.          

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