Chapter 5

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"Carter! Where is she?" I tried to get out of the bed but Happy pushed me back

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"Carter! Where is she?" I tried to get out of the bed but Happy pushed me back. "You can't go after her, kid. You came out worse than her." I pushed him away and started to remove the needles. "I need to make sure she's ok. She's all the family I got here." I teleported behind him and ran out of the room into the hallway. I ran down the hallway and saw Carter sitting in a chair. She looked up in my direction and relief washed over her face. "Oh my god, you're not dead!" She got up and hugged me gently. "What happened to you? I turned around and you weren't there." I sighed. "I got hit with a blast. It was coming for you but I got in the way and it hit me instead." I pulled away from her. "How did I end up here?" Carter motioned for me to sit down next to her. "When I realized you weren't there, Spiderman just got Mr. Delmar out. So I told him you were still in there and he ran back to find you. I also called Happy a million times but he never picked up. So I called Tony and told him what happened. When I was done talking to him, Spiderman came out with you in his arms. Then Spiderman started freaking out because you wouldn't wake up. I found the whole interaction with Spiderman cute. But, then Happy showed up and Spiderman left."

I nodded, trying to take everything in. Spiderman was freaking out? I've never even met him before. "Kid, you got to get back in your room." I looked up to see Happy jogging down the hallway. "I will when you tell me what happened when I got here." He sighed and sat down next to me. "When you got hit, your body took in the flames. Your body's temperature increased so much that the doctors need to wear fireproof clothes so they wouldn't get hurt. Your body couldn't handle the temperature and the fire intake so you started to shoot fire out into the room. It took you awhile to stop and when you did, they were able to cool you down. You thankfully didn't need surgery but they need you to stay here so they can make sure you don't do that again." I nodded and the three of us went to the room. Some nurses came in and hooked me back up to all of the machines. I looked at the clock and saw there was only two hours before school started. "Carter." She turned to me. "You need to go home and get ready for school. There's only two hours before it starts and you're covered in dirt." She groaned. "But Parker-" I interrupted her. "Carter, go to school. The doctor said you're fine and I'll be fine here. Now go." She gave up and left. I sighed and closed my eyes to take a nap.

When I woke up, I saw my backpack sitting on the chair next to me. The door opened and Happy came in with one of the nurses. "Guess what kid, they said you can go home." The nurse nodded and removed the needles. "Yes, but you must be careful. Your body is still recovering from the taking in that amount of fire. And I would try to not use your powers for the rest of the day. Ok?" I nodded and Happy took me home. By the time I got home, I knew Carter would be coming home soon. I got cleaned up, ate something and opened my bedroom window. I climbed out onto the fire escape and sat down, leaning against the building and closed my eyes. It was peaceful. Cars honking, the birds chirping and the old lady next door's cat meowing. That was until a bang came from next to me. I opened my eyes and looked at what was next to me. "Hey, Spiderman."  

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