HEROES 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘴 pt.1

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in where yukhei and lisa are each other's savior.


"you don't have much time to live, I'm sorry."

it almost amazed lisa how just one sentence didn't bring her world down when it was supposed to, but it broke people's hearts instead. she had been diagnosed with a slow growing type of leukemia, CLL or also known among medics as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, almost a few days ago, but she had gone to the doctors again after they had her results in.

she didn't cry over the fact she was going to die, others had done that for her. she wondered why, and she questioned herself the moment she stepped inside her car and it took almost half an hour for her mother to decide to drive them back.

lisa always had everything in life, but she never really felt satisfied, it hadn't been because she wanted more, but she just didn't know what she wanted. in school, she had good grades, she was well known among people and the same had been with university.

she was an amazing dancer, her talent had her move to another country and there, she bought she would finally have something to do with her life. but she still felt the same.


she was never really depressed, she never really felt sad, sure, she had gotten into arguments with people, yes, she had cried when feeling pain. but in the end, she never really knew what to feel.

she found herself odd. she smiled and grinned whenever people did the same to her, she even sometimes laughed at really bad jokes people told her about. she had relationships before but was never really satisfied, her boyfriends always found her a charming girl but in the end they would break up because they seemed to notice she just never had that sparkle.

lalisa manoban now didn't feel sad, she just felt disappointment. she felt as if life had let her down, or was it her who didn't put effort into it?

at night, she could hear her mother's sobs as her eyes would blankly stare at her starry neon ceiling she'd had for as long as she could remember, her phone would buzz and buzz but she would ignore it.

eventually, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. her dreams were never really what she considered 'dreams', she always read in fairytale books that when you dreamed, you felt nothing but happiness and ecstasy and when you had nightmares, it was the opposite feeling,

in her supposed dreams, she always saw herself when in her younger days. she always saw her mother cooking in the kitchen and smiling, then go to the market, she buys fish and goes back home. she also saw the sea quite often, she never knew why.

for the first two weeks, lalisa didn't go to school, her mother assumed she wasn't in the right state of mind to. lisa now had an excuse to stay in her room all day and play her ukelele she'd bought with her own money she saved since the age of 10.

she found that ukelele intriguing at first, that's why she bought it, because when she saw the old man in the streets who wore ragged clothes and smiling as people ignored him yet some dropped some money into his flipped beanie, lisa thought it had some magic to it.

but when she saw herself playing it in the mirror, only one thing went across her mind.

"it doesn't look the same."

but that didn't mean she threw it away, eventually, she learned to play it and she played it quite well, but never really finding any attachment to it and only played it when she had nothing to do.

she learned multiple songs over the years, she had some of her own tunes as well, but she never once thought of it as anything special. if you were to name it, a hobby.

during the two weeks lisa had been absent from school, she'd went to places she would usually found herself going to on a daily basis of before.

the café — where there was a nice girl behind the counter only older than her by a few months, park chaeyoung, who always offered her hot chocolate and often talked about her favorite books and series to lisa who would just listen. this week, she decided to start reading a play a friend had suggested to her, I've been here before by j.b priestley.

the clothing shop — in where she met kim jennie, a fashion freak and wishes to have her own studio and one day her own clothing line. lisa always heard about how passionately she would make clothes for others at a small price for now and sometimes she'd stay up awake in the middle of the night just doing them. lisa wished she was passionate about something just like jennie.

the music shop — lisa had bought her ukelele in there and when that happened, she met kim jisoo. she was peculiar. she had what other people named as '4D personality' and everyone felt comfortable around her and laughed. jisoo would always talk to lisa about the new instruments coming in every month, she'd always invite lisa to play the ukelele in there and lisa did since she didn't have anything much to do. jisoo was always someone to make really bad jokes but lisa just laughed at them like she tried to laugh away the emptiness inside her chest.

at the end of those two absent weeks, her mother received a call from the doctors and they wanted to have her submitted to the hospital. and it just broke her completely. to have her only daughter, her only remaining family, her only pride taken away from her... she didn't want that to happen.

but lisa went nonetheless. she heard that some people didn't like the hospital, she would be guessing because of the cold air that had the smell of antiseptics that you smell in the white hallways and gave the feeling of death. lisa never felt that way.

when she was laid down on the white bed, dressed in a white shirt that was revealing in the back by she could wear her underwear that doctors allowed her to — lisa had her eyes look outside and she saw the sun illuminate the world.

and she realised.

"the world wouldn't come to a stop if I disappeared."

she didn't cry, she didn't want to have anyone hug her to take away that pain. what pain? she didn't feel any pain. she didn't know what she felt.



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