New Job

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"Wowee," Toki said, standing by the door. Verra looked up at him as he started towards her.

"Thats was good!"

Verra chuckled, "I'm sure it's not better than what you could do." He just shrugged, "I's don't gets to plays parts like that." He was right, Skwisgaar was considered the better guitarist, although Toki could really challenge him.

He plopped down on the couch a few cushions away from her. He glanced over at a mini fridge across the room.
"You wants a drink?" he cupped his mouth with one hand and whispered, "It's alcohols." Verra scrunched her nose and laughed, "It's 11 in the morning."

"I didn'ts hears a no!" Toki said as he made his way towards the fridge. He pulled out a large clear bottle and poured whatever it's contents were into two red solo cups and handed Verra one, sitting back down. She took a sip and immediately found herself holding back a gag.

"What is this?" she croaked. Toki took a sip, "Vodka." She placed the cup onto the coffee table. Toki didn't seem to mind.

"Okay," Nathan pushed the door open, followed by the others. "These guys...ya know... They've just been begging for you to help so... I thought... I'd be a good leader and... Let you. So you're lucky." He crossed his arms across his chest and awkwardly looked down.

"All's you gots to do is come here everyday untils the albums is done," Skwisgaar said. Verra couldn't hold it back this time, the grin that spread across her face was massive. The older man from earlier stepped up from behind the band.

"I just want to clarify, you won't be credited. This won't pay either. Think of it as an internship," he said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, of course!" She took a good look at all of the band members. She'd be spending quite a bit of time with them. She put down the guitar and got up to shake the man's hand.

"Charles Offdensen," he smiled, "it's a pleasure to work with you. Now we do have some paperwork for you to sign..."


Verra held her head up with her fist as she finished reading through and signing the last contract. By the time she was done it was around 1. She never thought a band would have so many conditions. Or possibilities of death, for that matter. At least she could say she worked with Dethklok. Well, actually she couldn't. Not to anyone but herself, anyway.

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