Chapter 8

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I heard something drop. It was a bag. A grocery bag full of groceries. I turn my head at the kitchen and see my mom there with the most shocked face ever. Well I'd like to say that I'm going to die. My mom caught me kissing Carson, my best friend. The boy that she trusts and loves the most. Oops. "Um." I said. "Well- Mrs Katie H-Hi um.." Carson said then looking at me. "I'm just gonna go take a nap. Julianna we'll talk about this when your dad comes from work." My mother said then leaving, she called me Julianna! She's going to kill me oh my lord! "Carson!" I said. "What Anns? You're making me get more nervous!" Carson said. "I'm sorry. It's just that she's going to tell my dad and I'm so scared." I said scared. "At least I got to kiss you before I die!" Carson said then smirking. I hit him playfully and laughed "You're so crazy!" I said to him.

"Annie!" Carson said. "Ahh! What." I said screaming then anxiously. "I love you." Carson said cutely. "Aww me too. But don't ever do that to me again!" I said angrily. He laughed. I smiled, with my eyes getting so small because of how big my smile is. "What about that date we where gonna go on?" He said smiling. "Let's do that tonight!" I said. "Okay!" He said, then putting his arm around me while we where watching the TV.

A/N Short chapter I'm sorry! but the next chapters will be juicy! And I mean juicy! 🍵☕️ 💕💕😏😏😏🍆😘❤️❤️♥️🤪👶

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