Chapter 29

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"I've missed you.." Carson says while he has his arms around my waist.
"That's nice babe, I've missed you too." I say. Let's mess around with him.

He leans in and try's to kiss me, I play along and lean in.

I stopped before our lips touched.

I turned around and walked to the kitchen, I held in my laugh as I turned around and saw Carson stare at me shocked.

"You're just gonna leave me like that?!" He said whining like a child.

He was still in the living room standing where I left him.

I laughed harder than I thought I would.

"I'm gonna get you back LeBlanc." He said serious, I think?

As soon as I noticed he started chasing me! Run! I thought.

I ran around the house as he ran after me.

I was laughing while running.

"Annie!" Carson said trying to catch me.

"What?" I said pissing him off more. Haha.

"Man all I want is a kiss" He frowned playfully.

I turned around and laughed more. Then he started chasing me again!

I ran into the bathroom, and closed the door.

Why am I doing this? I don't know...but it's fun!

I saw the knob turning in twists and then it opened.

Carson grabbed me from my waist and kissed me roughly, I kissed him back.

"You got me.." I said and then kept on kissing him.

"Yeah.." he said as we continued making out, it's been long since we last saw eachother.

We pulled away and hugged. "I really did miss you.." he said.

"Me too babe." I said.

The next day, yEe YeE🤠

I rushed to school because I woke up late, really late.

I ran through the doors of the high school and got a late pass quickly and to class.

When I walked into my 2nd period I saw my Bestfriend, Jayden! She came back which made me happy.

I walked up to her.

"Hi Jayden!" I said.

She was sitting with Annie Rose Cole and Mia Dinto.

My ex fake bestfriends..

"Why are you talking to me? Leave me alone!" Jayden said to me leaving me speechless.

"What did I do?" I ask.

Jayden stood up and pushed me.

"Get the fuck out of my face Julianna!" She yelled, I didn't fall on the ground but it was a hard push.

My angriness came to me and I couldn't hold it back, I just couldn't.

I punched her face and kicked her to the ground and I was breathing heavily after, while I saw everyone surround me and her.

I heard everyone screaming and yelling "oh shit!"

I saw Mia and Annie get scared and ran away, leaving Jayden.

I walked away and left to the bathroom.

The teacher wasn't there so she didn't see what happened but I feel so guilty.

I start to feel my tears rush down my face.

I just beat up my Bestfriend, I thought.

I wash my face and dry it with a paper towel.

"Julianna LeBlanc please report to the office, Julianna LeBlanc please report to the office." I heard from the intercom.

I walked into the office that smelled like a bunch of wood.

"Julianna LeBlanc Mrs.Plae is in there" I saw the man point at a door.

I walked in and saw Mrs.Plae, the principal, sitting in her black leathered chair.

"Please take a seat Annie." She said looking at me as I took my seat.

"So I heard that you got into a fight, why is that?" She asked with a serious expression on her face.

"You see Jayden started the fight by pushing me." I said.

Mrs.Plae rolled her eyes "That is no reason to beat her up!" She said.

"Oh yes it is Mrs.Plae, what else was I supposed to do? Make my self seem like a fool and a loser? No" I said madly.

"Julianna I've never seen you last this way you've always been a GREAT young lady." She said putting her hands together.

"Well how was I supposed to be great? You don't fucking understand Mrs.Plae!" I said.

She looked at me in shock, and I got all nervous and scared, I mean I had just cursed at the principal!

She didn't hesitate to call my mom quickly, and now... I'm suspended.

A/N: Hey! We haven't seen eachother in a while! I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating for a month! So sorry! It was just a lot of school and just my depression taking over but I will be posting now! Love y'all and I also am gonna be having a new ashannie book! Bye girlies!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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