Chapter 10

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Hayley's POV:
As I woke up knowing that I have a baby growing inside of me. I didn't want this baby. It would suffer too much.

The father doesn't even want it. I don't know what to do! Why did I do stuff I'm not supposed too!

I feel like a part of me is falling to the ground, I want this baby! But I also don't! I don't want it to grow up without a full family!

Maybe if I just aborted- No I can't kill a innocent soul. But what else am I supposed to do! I'm not going to give it the live it wants!

I could feel tears rushing down my face. Raindrops. It was like raindrops.

The bad thing is I love Julian, but he doesn't love me. He just wanted all from me and just disappear! Listen here I've had the biggest crush on Julian since I was 10! 10!

I felt love every time I was with him! But how was I so blind and I couldn't see how his "I love you's." Were fake! He would argue with me and then just rip my heart in two but then he'd say "I love you, I am sorry!" He was so toxic! All he'd do is manipulate me! God!

How was I so stupid to trust those words! I hate him because I still love him! Why am I so in love? With someone who just wants nothing from me!

Ugh! I got my self into the worse mess ever! I regret it! I really do! How am I going to tell mom and dad! I will not be there little child anymore!

And I have to go to school. Great.

Annie's POV
I wake up from my sleep. I hate waking up so early in the morning just to go on a bus and get to school like... 40 minutes later. Ugh. Anyways, I managed to get off my bed and go to the bathroom.

I walked to the kitchen. I got myself some toast with cream cheese. Suddenly, I got a call. I wonder who it is. I pick up my phone and see the name. It's Carson.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Anns what's up?" He said

"Umm just about to eat breakfast... but why are calling me? I mean I love that you are I just wanna know why?" I said slightly confused.

"I was wondering if I can go pick you up and we'd drive to school? I mean you." Carson said

"What do you mean?" I said confused again.

"Annie.. you're in high school I'm in college." He said.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry" I said then giggling.

"Cutie." He said making me smile and blush.

"Pick me up in 10." I said.

"I will do. Love you." He said

"I- I love you too." I said then hanging up.

After I said I love you to him I felt so weird. My stomach was with butterflies. I couldn't stop thinking about Carson now. He said I love you. I love you! I could feel my warm face from blushing.

I ate my toasted cream cheese bread and cranked some good coffee. I love food more than I love Carson. I mean.. haha.

Beep beep! Is the noise that I hear from a car, I look outside to see Carson waiting for me.

I hope I look good. I probably look like a elephant. I forgot to put on makeup! Oh my god oh my god! Ugh I do not have time now.

I walked outside on the hard cement all the way to Carson's car. I got inside and he smiled at me.

"Hi beauty!" He said making my cheeks rosy. "Hi Dude!" I said back to him giving him a hug. "You look really beautiful today." He said. "Liar!" I said. "Annie you really do!" He said. "Awe thanks Cars." I said while looking into his crystal looking eyes.

He started driving all the way to school. The worst place on this earth. While we were driving I got a text. A text from....Hayden?

Text conversation:


H: Hi Annie I hope you are doing well... I'm so sorry.
A: sorry my ass Hayden.🤩💕
H is typing...
H: i am truly sorry Anns I miss us.
A: well I don't.
H: Annie me and Mackenzie where never nothing. I am still in love with you and I don't know how to get over you...I can't live without you.
A: Then die.
H: why did you kiss my bestfriend!
The moment Annie saw that she figured that she's actually the one who cheated, she couldn't believe herself. She felt sorry but she was still mad. Why did Hayden kiss Mackenzie!

A: why did you kiss Mackenzie!
H: I didn't kiss her she kissed me! God Annie! She came up to me and started kissing me and I thought it was you! I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing! I even called her Annie and she said shhh! You never let me explain!
A: wow...
H: yeah.
H: why did you kiss Carson! Tell me!
A: Hayden I'm sorry I can't!
H: Annie tell me! If you love him more than me!
A: fine fine I'll tell you why i kissed Carson. Hayden you must think I'm stupid but I know that you and Kenzie fucked while we where dating. Haha. So you know who was there for me? Carson. It's always been Mr. Carson Lueders all you've done is give me the fakest love ever. And I kissed him because I was at his party. While you where probably fucking some girl I was at the balcony, I was thinking about you wondering what you'd be doing. But then Carson came and we had a moment. Hayden I'm sorry but I've always have loved Carson more than you, I mean I thought I loved you, I did but Carson is just.. he gives me the realest happiness I have ever felt. No me and carson are not dating we are taking it slow to see what the future has for us. Well you happy that I told you now asshole?
H: Annie I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I just wish we could at least be friends? I miss you. I really did love you.. do you still love me?
A: im trying to figure out cause I'm confused. Give me time please thank you Hayden.
H: Annie I just miss you. I wish we could be how we were but now I know that you might love my Bestfriend more than me.
A: Hayden we aren't dating anymore so why the fuck do you care?
H: don't you know what I miss you means?
A: if you missed me you would've never hurt me a bunch of times.
H: I hurt you! I know I did ok! But I hurt you because I felt like I didn't get enough love from you either Annie!
A: what the fuck Hayden! No you hurt me because you wanted too! FUCK YOU!
H: Stop Annie! You never had time for me! You all the fucking time where either blogging or doing your stuff. I really loved the time we had together!
A: I fucking hate you! HATE! I have never loved you FUCK YOU Hayden! I'm not answering this conversation anymore! Don't even look at me in school!
Annie has blocked your number.

My tears where rushing down my face! I can't believe that he is blaming this on me! What the fuck! "Annie what the fuck is wrong!" Carson said worried. "I don't want to talk about it Carson!" I said madly, I didn't even want to talk to anyone at this point I just wanted to jump off a bridge.

"Annie!" He said. "Fuck off Carson!" I said angrily. I am so mad I opened the door and got out of that car. Carson followed me with his car. "Annie! Stop!" He said yelling through his car window.

I looked toward the window. "Carson please leave me alone I need some time alone by myself please! I'm so fucking frustrated! So drive the fuck away or I'll throw my shoe at you!" I said angrily. "Ugh." He said and drove off quickly.

A/N To be continued. Sorry I haven't posted in trillion years.

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